That sounds great until you land in prison. Or until that same philosophy is used against YOU somehow.
"Truth" is subjective. For instance, Muslims believe that their religion is the truth. Just the same as Christians do.
So if you advocate for people to be governed by their truths, then many Muslims would feel that they have the right to kill non-Muslims, based on their religion, which they believe to be the truth . So do you still believe we should be governed by what we think is truth?
You can't dictate to others what YOU feel is the truth is what THEY should live by.
We should be more concerned with FACTS than TRUTH.
That sounds great until you land in prison. Or until that same philosophy is used against YOU somehow.
"Truth" is subjective. For instance, Muslims believe that their religion is the truth. Just the same as Christians do.
So if you advocate for people to be governed by their truths, then many Muslims would feel that they have the right to kill non-Muslims. So do you still believe we should be governed by what we think is truth?
You can't dictate to others what YOU feel is the truth is what THEY should live by.
We should be more concerned with FACTS than TRUTH.
That sounds great until you land in prison. Or until that same philosophy is used against YOU somehow.
"Truth" is subjective. For instance, Muslims believe that their religion is the truth. Just the same as Christians do.
So if you advocate for people to be governed by their truths, then many Muslims would feel that they have the right to kill non-Muslims.
You can't dictate to others what YOU feel is the truth is what THEY should live by.
We should be more concerned with FACTS than TRUTH.
That sounds great, until you land in prison. Or until that same philosophy is used against YOU somehow.