this sub reddit has a constant stream of new, high quality posts.
this is not my sub reddit, nor am i a mod on this sub.
EDIT: user comment said
so i am editing my original post, to add The Highwire, and it's host Del Bigtree.
Del Bigtree puts out awesome (anti)vaccine content every day, and yet he has a very small audience.
i think part of Del Bigtree's problem, is that he is too deep for most people, and most of his videos are over an hour long, and most people today won't even click on a video thats just too long to watch at the moment.
If we could get Del Bigtree in 1 minute clips, we could turn this guy into a walking meme machine.
this sub reddit has a constant stream of new, high quality posts.
this is not my sub reddit, nor am i a mod on this sub.