So, who wants Jeffries? .My question is, how in the Holy H E double L did HAKEEM get nominated? Practiced law for what - 5 years, then ushered into government to support pervert Schiff and trash Trump, and representing the failed state of NY?
So, who wants Jeffries? .My question is, how in the Holy H E double L did HAKEEM get nominated? Practiced law for what - 5 years, then ushered into government to support pervert Schiff and trash Trump?
So, do you want Jeffries instead??? .My question is, how in the Holy H E double L did HAKEEM get nominated? Practiced law for what - 5 years, then ushered into government to support pervert Schiff and trash Trump?
So, do you want Jeffries instead??? .My question is, how in the Holy H E double L did HAKEEM get nominated? Practiced law for what - 5 years, then ushered into government to support Schiff and trash Trump?
So, do you want Jeffries instead??? .My question is, how in the Holy H E double L did Hakeem Jeffries appear? Practiced law for what - 5 years, then ushered in to government, supporter of Schiff and Trump hater.