Let's look at this. The Q and Flynn connections go back to the early days. Flynn "knows where the bodies are buried", and came out and said that just a few weeks back, a phrase also used by and imbued with significant meaning in the Q drops.
DJT has dropped LOTS of Q affirming hints, including tippy top, and using the wwg1wga music them for his rallies. DJT denied direct knowledge of the Q movement, but did not deny or disparage it.
DJT recently called out Flynn directly to get ready to serve again in the DJT administration. Reconcile those two points.
Close DJT confidants, such as Kash, have gravitated to X22 and many others. Why? Flynn himself. There was a time when Kash, Flynn and other relateds were directly courting and engaging with Q movement podcasters and influencers. Why?
Flynn emphasizes 5G warfare, and yes, local action. This is an obvious and critical part of the DJT operation. The People have to become involved.
I recall that Flynn's brother was a guest on Inthematrixxx, which now appears to have a feud with Flynn and is denouncing him.
The positive impacts of the Q operations are overwhelming and undeniable. Mass movements in this era are directly connected to Q: the rallies and citizen demonstrations in Europe, the Canadian truckers, etc. There are so many people awakening through the impacts of the Q operation that its nonsensical to deny that.
So Flynn saying the Q op did a disservice, while this might be true to some extent, it is an obvious apparent fact that Q did a great service as well.
Flynn has to know these things. He didn't get recruited in to the Trump admin for no reason, and he IS someone who knows about everything that Q would be IF Q is legit.
The fact that he can go on x22 multiple times and yet make this declaration that "Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice" only makes sense if he's doing this for a reason.
It's curious. For example, he could have said something else, like "I think the q operation has had some interesting impact, but whether its legitimate or not, its time now to focus on getting engaged in local action."
But I suspect, if Flynn acknowledged or recognized Q in any way, it would get negative airplay. It's easy think that IF Flynn knows about Q and IF Flynn is well informed, that Flynn was already prepared and when Dave raised "the military....", Flynn cut him off vehemently because he needed to.
None of the above are contradictory with the idea that Flynn knows about, supports or might be part of the Q operation.
So the question here is NOT whether Flynn is legitimate or not. Or whether the Q operation is legitimate or not. Both are patently obviously legitimate. The question is "Why is Flynn saying this and saying these things".
The answer has to be: because its very important that people become involved and engaged and move from research into localized action, and NOT get sidetracked by indulging in speculative offshoots that might distract from that involvement.
The implication is that it is even more important for people to be focused on local action than on what Q is or was.
Whether either of the previous statements about Flynn or Q's legitimacy are wrong, even if both or one is not legitimate, the message of local engagement and taking up responsibility, this is on point.
OG anons are also big boys (and girls) by now. We don't get tied up in knots because the spookiest 5G warfare savvy general comes out and says "Q is a major psyop and it has done a major disservice."
An interesting response to Flynn on X.
Alright @GenFlynn - I have defended you and supported you and I financially supported your legal battles. Hell, you followed me for years under my account @40_Head before it was suspended. We understand that you may not be part of the Q group but based on your words, you are totally ignorant of what this "psyop" was doing. Remember, PsyOps are not always negative. Sometimes they produce great fruit!
I’ll be damned if anybody in this movement is sitting on their ass waiting for shit to happen! This movement has spurred more research and more threads and more public dissemination of hidden facts than any other movement in the history of the world! We've informed millions!If you don’t see value in that then I can't understand you're reasoning.
The fact is, Q, and everybody in this movement has encouraged each other to get active, to call our representatives, to call our senators, to call our governors and to vote accordingly. We have been encouraged to go to city council meetings, and to county hearings, and school board hearings. We are there! We've been encouraged to build our faith in God, to pray, to gird ourselves in the full armor of God.
Our voices are being heard! Trump didn’t get 74 million votes in 2020 because we were sitting on our asses! You have done a huge disservice to your own reputation by coming out with this statement of ignorance.
I'll also say this, whoever Q is, they were in Trump's Whitehouse until he left because the zero Delta drops kept lining up with Trump's tweets, all the way through 2020. That means Q and Trump or at least Q and Scavino were working together to time their postings and their content. The drops are still coming to fruition, they're still gold in the hands of digital soldiers. We're still red polling life long Democrats with them.
But here's the deal, I won't run an agenda against you. I'll still support you. I'll still defend you because I think you're a valuable asset for America. You've earned my respect with your years of service. But please rethink your position.
Now there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed and you were completely correct on. There are some insanely stupid beliefs that get passed around inside this movement, and I firmly believe that they are plugged into this movement by infiltrators in an effort to discredit the reputation and integrity of the individuals as well as the movement itself. JFK Jr being alive and Trump is still president and all that stuff did not come from Q drops! In fact Q adamantly said JFK Jr was dead. Q never said Trump is still the president. The military is the only way is the term that Q used but Q didn’t say that the military was gonna sack the Biden or anything like that, it’s still undetermined what that meant.
The only downfall to this movement that I see is that some people, in their excitement, will chase just about anything as long as it’s against the deep state. But even that is quickly countered by more mature and informed Anons. The fact is, the conservative base is always looking for what is being hidden and they’re always looking for the crime that has been covered up. So it’s natural for us to jump at conspiracies because they so often come true. But we dig to prove or disprove then correct faulty thinking. You are right in that aspect, some of the stuff that the fringe portion that I basically disown in this movement, still push some pretty stupid shit but it did NOT come from Q and it was already happening on the chans and reddit and GLP. It didn't start with Q. In fact Q tried to stop it!
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, join us and help refute some of the things that are astronomically ridiculous. Be a voice of reason and leadership, and you’ll have millions coming to rally with you. You said you like it when people are frank and honest. I feel like I’ve been frank and honest in this message to you. God bless you and God bless this beloved country both of us are trying to save.
Let's look at this. The Q and Flynn connections go back to the early days. Flynn "knows where the bodies are buried", and came out and said that just a few weeks back, a phrase also used by and imbued with significant meaning in the Q drops.
DJT has dropped LOTS of Q affirming hints, including tippy top, and using the wwg1wga music them for his rallies. DJT denied direct knowledge of the Q movement, but did not deny or disparage it.
DJT recently called out Flynn directly to get ready to serve again in the DJT administration. Reconcile those two points.
Close DJT confidants, such as Kash, have gravitated to X22 and many others. Why? Flynn himself. There was a time when Kash, Flynn and other relateds were directly courting and engaging with Q movement podcasters and influencers. Why?
Flynn emphasizes 5G warfare, and yes, local action. This is an obvious and critical part of the DJT operation. The People have to become involved.
I recall that Flynn's brother was a guest on Inthematrixxx, which now appears to have a feud with Flynn and is denouncing him.
The positive impacts of the Q operations are overwhelming and undeniable. Mass movements in this era are directly connected to Q: the rallies and citizen demonstrations in Europe, the Canadian truckers, etc. There are so many people awakening through the impacts of the Q operation that its nonsensical to deny that.
So Flynn saying the Q op did a disservice, while this might be true to some extent, it is an obvious apparent fact that Q did a great service as well.
Flynn has to know these things. He didn't get recruited in to the Trump admin for no reason, and he IS someone who knows about everything that Q would be IF Q is legit.
The fact that he can go on x22 multiple times and yet make this declaration that "Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice" only makes sense if he's doing this for a reason.
It's curious. For example, he could have said something else, like "I think the q operation has had some interesting impact, but whether its legitimate or not, its time now to focus on getting engaged in local action."
But I suspect, if Flynn acknowledged or recognized Q in any way, it would get negative airplay. It's easy think that IF Flynn knows about Q and IF Flynn is well informed, that Flynn was already prepared and when Dave raised "the military....", Flynn cut him off vehemently because he needed to.
None of the above are contradictory with the idea that Flynn knows about, supports or might be part of the Q operation.
So the question here is NOT whether Flynn is legitimate or not. Or whether the Q operation is legitimate or not. Both are patently obviously legitimate. The question is "Why is Flynn saying this and saying these things".
The answer has to be: because its very important that people become involved and engaged and move from research into localized action.
The implication is that it is even more important for people to be focused on local action than on what Q is or was.
Whether either of the previous statements about Flynn or Q's legitimacy are wrong, even if both or one is not legitimate, the message of local engagement and taking up responsibility, this is on point.
OG anons are also big boys (and girls) by now. We don't get tied up in knots because the spookiest 5G warfare savvy general comes out and says "Q is a major psyop and it has done a major disservice."
An interesting response to Flynn on X.
Alright @GenFlynn - I have defended you and supported you and I financially supported your legal battles. Hell, you followed me for years under my account @40_Head before it was suspended. We understand that you may not be part of the Q group but based on your words, you are totally ignorant of what this "psyop" was doing. Remember, PsyOps are not always negative. Sometimes they produce great fruit!
I’ll be damned if anybody in this movement is sitting on their ass waiting for shit to happen! This movement has spurred more research and more threads and more public dissemination of hidden facts than any other movement in the history of the world! We've informed millions!If you don’t see value in that then I can't understand you're reasoning.
The fact is, Q, and everybody in this movement has encouraged each other to get active, to call our representatives, to call our senators, to call our governors and to vote accordingly. We have been encouraged to go to city council meetings, and to county hearings, and school board hearings. We are there! We've been encouraged to build our faith in God, to pray, to gird ourselves in the full armor of God.
Our voices are being heard! Trump didn’t get 74 million votes in 2020 because we were sitting on our asses! You have done a huge disservice to your own reputation by coming out with this statement of ignorance.
I'll also say this, whoever Q is, they were in Trump's Whitehouse until he left because the zero Delta drops kept lining up with Trump's tweets, all the way through 2020. That means Q and Trump or at least Q and Scavino were working together to time their postings and their content. The drops are still coming to fruition, they're still gold in the hands of digital soldiers. We're still red polling life long Democrats with them.
But here's the deal, I won't run an agenda against you. I'll still support you. I'll still defend you because I think you're a valuable asset for America. You've earned my respect with your years of service. But please rethink your position.
Now there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed and you were completely correct on. There are some insanely stupid beliefs that get passed around inside this movement, and I firmly believe that they are plugged into this movement by infiltrators in an effort to discredit the reputation and integrity of the individuals as well as the movement itself. JFK Jr being alive and Trump is still president and all that stuff did not come from Q drops! In fact Q adamantly said JFK Jr was dead. Q never said Trump is still the president. The military is the only way is the term that Q used but Q didn’t say that the military was gonna sack the Biden or anything like that, it’s still undetermined what that meant.
The only downfall to this movement that I see is that some people, in their excitement, will chase just about anything as long as it’s against the deep state. But even that is quickly countered by more mature and informed Anons. The fact is, the conservative base is always looking for what is being hidden and they’re always looking for the crime that has been covered up. So it’s natural for us to jump at conspiracies because they so often come true. But we dig to prove or disprove then correct faulty thinking. You are right in that aspect, some of the stuff that the fringe portion that I basically disown in this movement, still push some pretty stupid shit but it did NOT come from Q and it was already happening on the chans and reddit and GLP. It didn't start with Q. In fact Q tried to stop it!
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, join us and help refute some of the things that are astronomically ridiculous. Be a voice of reason and leadership, and you’ll have millions coming to rally with you. You said you like it when people are frank and honest. I feel like I’ve been frank and honest in this message to you. God bless you and God bless this beloved country both of us are trying to save.
Let's look at this. The Q and Flynn connections go back to the early days. Flynn "knows where the bodies are buried", and came out and said that just a few weeks back, a phrase also used by and imbued with significant meaning in the Q drops.
DJT has dropped LOTS of Q affirming hints, including tippy top, and using the wwg1wga music them for his rallies. DJT denied direct knowledge of the Q movement, but did not deny or disparage it.
DJT recently called out Flynn directly to get ready to serve again in the DJT administration. Reconcile those two points.
Close DJT confidants, such as Kash, have gravitated to X22 and many others. Why? Flynn himself. There was a time when Kash, Flynn and other relateds were directly courting and engaging with Q movement podcasters and influencers. Why?
Flynn emphasizes 5G warfare, and yes, local action. This is an obvious and critical part of the DJT operation. The People have to become involved.
I recall that Flynn's brother was a guest on Inthematrixxx, which now appears to have a feud with Flynn and is denouncing him.
The positive impacts of the Q operations are overwhelming and undeniable. Mass movements in this era are directly connected to Q: the rallies and citizen demonstrations in Europe, the Canadian truckers, etc. There are so many people awakening through the impacts of the Q operation that its nonsensical to deny that.
So Flynn saying the Q op did a disservice, while this might be true to some extent, it is an obvious apparent fact that Q did a great service as well.
Flynn has to know these things. He didn't get recruited in to the Trump admin for no reason, and he IS someone who knows about everything that Q would be IF Q is legit.
The fact that he can go on x22 multiple times and yet make this declaration that "Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice" only makes sense if he's doing this for a reason.
It's curious. For example, he could have said something else, like "I think the q operation has had some interesting impact, but whether its legitimate or not, its time now to focus on getting engaged in local action."
But I suspect, if Flynn acknowledged or recognized Q in any way, it was get negative airplay.
So the question here is NOT whether Flynn is legitimate or not. Or whether the Q operation is legitimate or not. Both are patently obviously legitimate. The question is "Why is Flynn saying this and saying these things".
The answer has to be: because its very important that people become involved and engaged and move from research into localized action.
The implication is that it is even more important for people to be focused on local action than on what Q is or was.
Whether either of the previous statements about Flynn or Q's legitimacy are wrong, even if both or one is not legitimate, the message of local engagement and taking up responsibility, this is on point.
OG anons are also big boys (and girls) by now. We don't get tied up in knots because the spookiest 5G warfare savvy general comes out and says "Q is a major psyop and it has done a major disservice."
An interesting response to Flynn on X.
Alright @GenFlynn - I have defended you and supported you and I financially supported your legal battles. Hell, you followed me for years under my account @40_Head before it was suspended. We understand that you may not be part of the Q group but based on your words, you are totally ignorant of what this "psyop" was doing. Remember, PsyOps are not always negative. Sometimes they produce great fruit!
I’ll be damned if anybody in this movement is sitting on their ass waiting for shit to happen! This movement has spurred more research and more threads and more public dissemination of hidden facts than any other movement in the history of the world! We've informed millions!If you don’t see value in that then I can't understand you're reasoning.
The fact is, Q, and everybody in this movement has encouraged each other to get active, to call our representatives, to call our senators, to call our governors and to vote accordingly. We have been encouraged to go to city council meetings, and to county hearings, and school board hearings. We are there! We've been encouraged to build our faith in God, to pray, to gird ourselves in the full armor of God.
Our voices are being heard! Trump didn’t get 74 million votes in 2020 because we were sitting on our asses! You have done a huge disservice to your own reputation by coming out with this statement of ignorance.
I'll also say this, whoever Q is, they were in Trump's Whitehouse until he left because the zero Delta drops kept lining up with Trump's tweets, all the way through 2020. That means Q and Trump or at least Q and Scavino were working together to time their postings and their content. The drops are still coming to fruition, they're still gold in the hands of digital soldiers. We're still red polling life long Democrats with them.
But here's the deal, I won't run an agenda against you. I'll still support you. I'll still defend you because I think you're a valuable asset for America. You've earned my respect with your years of service. But please rethink your position.
Now there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed and you were completely correct on. There are some insanely stupid beliefs that get passed around inside this movement, and I firmly believe that they are plugged into this movement by infiltrators in an effort to discredit the reputation and integrity of the individuals as well as the movement itself. JFK Jr being alive and Trump is still president and all that stuff did not come from Q drops! In fact Q adamantly said JFK Jr was dead. Q never said Trump is still the president. The military is the only way is the term that Q used but Q didn’t say that the military was gonna sack the Biden or anything like that, it’s still undetermined what that meant.
The only downfall to this movement that I see is that some people, in their excitement, will chase just about anything as long as it’s against the deep state. But even that is quickly countered by more mature and informed Anons. The fact is, the conservative base is always looking for what is being hidden and they’re always looking for the crime that has been covered up. So it’s natural for us to jump at conspiracies because they so often come true. But we dig to prove or disprove then correct faulty thinking. You are right in that aspect, some of the stuff that the fringe portion that I basically disown in this movement, still push some pretty stupid shit but it did NOT come from Q and it was already happening on the chans and reddit and GLP. It didn't start with Q. In fact Q tried to stop it!
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, join us and help refute some of the things that are astronomically ridiculous. Be a voice of reason and leadership, and you’ll have millions coming to rally with you. You said you like it when people are frank and honest. I feel like I’ve been frank and honest in this message to you. God bless you and God bless this beloved country both of us are trying to save.
Let's look at this. The Q and Flynn connections go back to the early days. Flynn "knows where the bodies are buried", and came out and said that just a few weeks back, a phrase also used by and imbued with significant meaning in the Q drops.
DJT has dropped LOTS of Q affirming hints, including tippy top, and using the wwg1wga music them for his rallies. DJT denied direct knowledge of the Q movement, but did not deny or disparage it.
DJT recently called out Flynn directly to get ready to serve again in the DJT administration. Reconcile those two points.
Close DJT confidants, such as Kash, have gravitated to X22 and many others. Why? Flynn himself. There was a time when Kash, Flynn and other relateds were directly courting and engaging with Q movement podcasters and influencers. Why?
Flynn emphasizes 5G warfare, and yes, local action. This is an obvious and critical part of the DJT operation. The People have to become involved.
I recall that Flynn's brother was a guess on Inthematrixxx, which now appears to have a feud with Flynn and is denouncing him.
The positive impacts of the Q operations are overwhelming and undeniable. Mass movements in this era are directly connected to Q: the rallies and citizen demonstrations in Europe, the Canadian truckers, etc. There are so many people awakening through the impacts of the Q operation that its nonsensical to deny that.
So Flynn saying the Q op did a disservice, while this might be true to some extent, it is an obvious apparent fact that Q did a great service as well.
Flynn has to know these things. He didn't get recruited in to the Trump admin for no reason, and he IS someone who knows about everything that Q would be IF Q is legit.
The fact that he can go on x22 multiple times and yet make this declaration that "Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice" only makes sense if he's doing this for a reason.
It's curious. For example, he could have said something else, like "I think the q operation has had some interesting impact, but whether its legitimate or not, its time now to focus on getting engaged in local action."
But I suspect, if Flynn acknowledged or recognized Q in any way, it was get negative airplay.
So the question here is NOT whether Flynn is legitimate or not. Or whether the Q operation is legitimate or not. Both are patently obviously legitimate. The question is "Why is Flynn saying this and saying these things".
The answer has to be: because its very important that people become involved and engaged and move from research into localized action.
The implication is that it is even more important for people to be focused on local action than on what Q is or was.
Whether either of the previous statements about Flynn or Q's legitimacy are wrong, even if both or one is not legitimate, the message of local engagement and taking up responsibility, this is on point.
OG anons are also big boys (and girls) by now. We don't get tied up in knots because the spookiest 5G warfare savvy general comes out and says "Q is a major psyop and it has done a major disservice."
An interesting response to Flynn on X.
Alright @GenFlynn - I have defended you and supported you and I financially supported your legal battles. Hell, you followed me for years under my account @40_Head before it was suspended. We understand that you may not be part of the Q group but based on your words, you are totally ignorant of what this "psyop" was doing. Remember, PsyOps are not always negative. Sometimes they produce great fruit!
I’ll be damned if anybody in this movement is sitting on their ass waiting for shit to happen! This movement has spurred more research and more threads and more public dissemination of hidden facts than any other movement in the history of the world! We've informed millions!If you don’t see value in that then I can't understand you're reasoning.
The fact is, Q, and everybody in this movement has encouraged each other to get active, to call our representatives, to call our senators, to call our governors and to vote accordingly. We have been encouraged to go to city council meetings, and to county hearings, and school board hearings. We are there! We've been encouraged to build our faith in God, to pray, to gird ourselves in the full armor of God.
Our voices are being heard! Trump didn’t get 74 million votes in 2020 because we were sitting on our asses! You have done a huge disservice to your own reputation by coming out with this statement of ignorance.
I'll also say this, whoever Q is, they were in Trump's Whitehouse until he left because the zero Delta drops kept lining up with Trump's tweets, all the way through 2020. That means Q and Trump or at least Q and Scavino were working together to time their postings and their content. The drops are still coming to fruition, they're still gold in the hands of digital soldiers. We're still red polling life long Democrats with them.
But here's the deal, I won't run an agenda against you. I'll still support you. I'll still defend you because I think you're a valuable asset for America. You've earned my respect with your years of service. But please rethink your position.
Now there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed and you were completely correct on. There are some insanely stupid beliefs that get passed around inside this movement, and I firmly believe that they are plugged into this movement by infiltrators in an effort to discredit the reputation and integrity of the individuals as well as the movement itself. JFK Jr being alive and Trump is still president and all that stuff did not come from Q drops! In fact Q adamantly said JFK Jr was dead. Q never said Trump is still the president. The military is the only way is the term that Q used but Q didn’t say that the military was gonna sack the Biden or anything like that, it’s still undetermined what that meant.
The only downfall to this movement that I see is that some people, in their excitement, will chase just about anything as long as it’s against the deep state. But even that is quickly countered by more mature and informed Anons. The fact is, the conservative base is always looking for what is being hidden and they’re always looking for the crime that has been covered up. So it’s natural for us to jump at conspiracies because they so often come true. But we dig to prove or disprove then correct faulty thinking. You are right in that aspect, some of the stuff that the fringe portion that I basically disown in this movement, still push some pretty stupid shit but it did NOT come from Q and it was already happening on the chans and reddit and GLP. It didn't start with Q. In fact Q tried to stop it!
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, join us and help refute some of the things that are astronomically ridiculous. Be a voice of reason and leadership, and you’ll have millions coming to rally with you. You said you like it when people are frank and honest. I feel like I’ve been frank and honest in this message to you. God bless you and God bless this beloved country both of us are trying to save.