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Reason: Added Info

This account is pretty wild. Doesn't get any community notes slapped on him and doesn't get banned. He has been putting out some very interesting info for a while.

One thing that bothers me is the quotes from Benjamin Fulford and the "judges" - not a fan of these..

Here is the full post:

Do you know who James Joseph Grazioplene is? He served in the US Army from 1972 to January 2005. He retired at the rank of major general.

In 2015, an investigation was launched which resulted in Grazioplene being charged in 2018 with incest and multiple counts of raping a minor (His own daughter). His retired grade was then demoted to 2nd lieutenant once he was convicted.

James Grazioplene was named in a report by Adrian J. Wells which included Michael Flynn who was helping the CIA set up torture chambers in 1984. J. Grazioplene was the U.S. Army Soldier that raped Adrian in a New York City Apartment that was possibly owned by Senator Joe Biden.

Adrian J. Wells' dramatic and horrific account of being trafficked and sexually abused by an international child sex trafficking operation run by Jeffrey Epstein, Bill & Hilary Clinton, FBI, military, and Craig Sawman Sawyer (Veterans For Child Rescue).

Adrian also named ASIO - Aus intelligence, Aus military, navy and airforce. All are infested with Satanist & Freemasons and other secret societies.

The military industrial complex and intelligence, Mossad, CIA, FBI, MI6 and ASIO are the institutions that control the puppets in parliament, media, congress or people in powerful positions around the world. Which is why you can never get any real journalism from these media figures whether they are Conservative or Liberal. Both sides are pulling our legs.

Adrian Wells also named General M. Flynn who is as a high level organiser and abuser in the international Satanic trafficking network. A self proclaimed ‘White Hat’ who is actually working for the other side. Which would make plenty of sense given that he had just denounced the very thing (Q) that he built his "Digital Soldier" platform on for years. Now it's a psyop. Something he is dismissing all together.

Many are questioning why now? That's up to them to figure out as followers. As I have done multiple post exposing M. Flynn role in the CIA 5 Eyes plot to take down D. Trump.

Ask yourself why would Michael Flynn & Steve Bannon set up GETTR with a CCP Billionaire? Truth Social, Parler, etc are all set up to control the information flow.

Did you know General Michael T Flynn also registered his business out of Stanley McChrystal‘s house. The same McChrystal who deployed DARPA on US citizens?

Do you remember when Patrick Byrne stated that he would like to see a coalition government headed (Not By D. Trump) Michael Flynn, China, and Susan Rice? I have that video. Flynn & Byrne are very close for all the wrong reasons that deserve a dozen red flags.

What did I tell you all before? People who you think are friends & associates of D. Trump want him gone away from politics. Again ask yourself why did M. Flynn advocate for Palantir Technologies, the Silicon Valley data analysis firm whose biggest customer is the federal government that uses that data to spy on American citizens? Remember, M. Flynn was doing this quietly.

I will have more on this soon. Goodnight.

256 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

This account is pretty wild. Doesn't get any community notes slapped on him and doesn't get banned. He has been putting out some very interesting info for a while.

One thing that bothers me is the quotes from Benjamin Fulford and the "judges" - not a fan of these..

256 days ago
1 score