I am not a Dr but if you decide to go the Lugols Iodine route start with one drop in a glass of water and work your way up each week or however you feel comfortable https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/lugols-iodine-supplements.html Health Benefits -Natural antihistamine Antioxidant 1 Displaces fluoride Displaces bromide Displaces chlorine Mercury detox Promotes proper hormone balance Strengthens immune system Reduces cholesterol Increases metabolism Supports immune system Promotes growth of hair, skin, and nails Needed for the health of bones Protects from radiation Required for proper brain development Reduces hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism Part of cancer prevention Necessary for the thyroid gland Kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi I am not giving advice just passing on information, please research this and all health benefits
I am not a Dr but if you decide to go the Lugols Iodine route start with one drop in a glass of water and work your way up each week or however you feel comfortable https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/lugols-iodine-supplements.html Health Benefits -Natural antihistamine Antioxidant 1 Displaces fluoride Displaces bromide Displaces chlorine Mercury detox Promotes proper hormone balance Strengthens immune system Reduces cholesterol Increases metabolism Supports immune system Promotes growth of hair, skin, and nails Needed for the health of bones Protects from radiation Required for proper brain development Reduces hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism Part of cancer prevention Necessary for the thyroid gland Kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi I am not giving advice just passing on information, please research this and all health benefits https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q6V881Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1