I'm glad you asked this question. If you want the quick answer go to the bottom of this response. There’s far more to this nation called Israel though. Let me start out saying that 95% of Israelis are of Ashkenazi descent. Keep this in mid. I'll return to this in a moment. First, Judaism is not Hebraism. Secondly, the word "Jew" did not derive from the Latin as 'Iudaea' (Engl.: 'Judea'). Think about this for a moment, this is a Latin word spoken by the ancient Romans. What ethnic people call themselves by their conqueror's name? Even the people of Germany don't call themselves the English appellative name "German". They call themselves Deutsch (the people; race) and their land Deutschland. The history of Judah, as a living, breathing individual and the land of his posterity was called Judah until his posterity was forcibly and completely removed from the land of Judah to Babylonia. The proper word describing Judah's offspring and descendants has always been Judahites. The word 'Jew' never derived from Judah and certainly did not exist during the Roman times as I will explain in the following paragraph.
Much later the word Jew comes into existence in England in circa 1600s, which coincides with a wave of Yiddish immigrants coming from France and Deutschland. These Yiddish settlers came from eastern Europe and originated from Khazaria, not the Middle East, but rather the steppes of Caspian and Black Seas, which had since fallen to the proxy Byzantine and Caliphate conquering armies. The French and Europeans viewed these immigrants negatively and treated them similarly to gypsies. They allowed them to quarter in only a designated area of the city. A French derogatory term for 'ghetto' and the Yiddish district of town was called – 'Jeuerie'; "ghetto", from Anglo-French 'Juerie', Old French 'Juierie’ or the later English version 'Jewry'. Originally the English term 'Jewry' referred to those immigrants coming from Eastern European people who spoke Yiddish (Ashkenazi). The word 'Jew' did not exist during the Roman times.
Ashkenazi Jews comprise better than 90% of the Jewish population. The remaining 5-7% are of the Spanish Sephardim. The Ashkenazi trace their history to the Pale of Settlement of located in Ukraine and Belarus. Prior to this, this same area was known as the kingdom of Khazaria. Ukraine still uses the same national symbols as in the days of Khazaria. Coincidence?
This research by u/sleepydude is a pretty good assessment to who the Ashkenazi Jews are. In the bible, we are told that Ashkenaz in Genesis 10:3 that Ashkenaz was the grandson of Japheth, son of Noah and not the offspring of Shem, to which the word 'Semite' derives from. What are the chances of Ashkenazi Jews having the biblical name of Ashkenaz? Furthermore, we are told according to the Encyclopaedia Biblica, "Ashkenaz must have been one of the migratory peoples which in the time of Esar-haddon, burst upon the northern provinces of Asia Minor, and upon Armenia. This is precisely the region that Khazaria later encompassed. Moreover, in Jewish academics write:
“... this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga; not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…”, Prof. A. N. Poliak, Tel Aviv University.
“...the Idumeans (Edomites) were...made Jews...and a Turkish people (Khazars) were mainly Jews in South Russia...The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea.” (H.G. Wells, The Outline of History, 3rd ed., MacMillian, 1921, p. 494).
Archaeologists use certain metrics called anthropometry to determine the gender, age, and race of human remains found at historic sites as part of understanding the origins of people and its culture. As part of anthropometry is craniometrics, which is used to determine the racial component of human remains. It is the measurement of shape and capacity of the human cranium. Craniometry is a permanent determinant of race and is immutable (i.e. never changes in time).
“As is at present accepted by nearly all anthropologists, the shape of the head is the most stable characteristic of a given race” (Jewish Encyclopedia IV, 1902, p 335).
For example, “the cephalic index of the Egyptians has remained unchanged for four to five thousand years" (E. E. Jessel, The Unknown History of the Jews, p. 184)
The racial attribute of the ancient Israelites is remarkable because it does not match the physical identifying metrics of Jews today. Ancient Israelite skulls were dolichocephalic (long-headed). The avg. cranial head capacity was measured to be 1416 cc. This fits the physical metric of Northern Europeans.
This presents a dilemma in that the predominance of modern Jews, especially Ashkenazi Jews are brachycephalic (round-headed).
“On an examination of the figures in this table a remarkable uniformity of the cephalic index of the modern Jews will be noticed… nearly 90% are between 81.5 and 83…. Another remarkable fact is the striking absence of the dolichocephalic type, which is characteristic of all the other modern Semitic races” (Jew. Enc. IV, 1902, p 334).
“The most important problem suggested by a study of craniometrical results concerning Jews is the relation of the type head of the modern Jews to that of the ancient Hebrews and to the modern Semitic skulls. The pure Semitic skull is dolichocephalic, as may be seen from a study of the heads of modern Arabs, Abyssinians, Syrians…. The only way the type of head may change is by intermixture with other races. If the ancient Hebrews were of the same stock as the modern non-Jewish Semites, and if the modern Jews are their descendants, then a pure dolichocephalic type of head would be expected among the Jews. As has been seen, all results of Craniometry prove that the Jews are brachycephalic, and that the dolichocephalism form is only found among them in less than two percent of the cases” (Jew. Enc. IV, 1902, p 335).
“Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and cuffed noses they appear to have inherited” (Jew. Enc. X, 1903, p 264).
“And are not they [today’s Jews] the inventors of the Chosen People myth?” Dr. Oscar Levy, preface, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution, George Pitt Rivers (Oxford, 1920) p. vi
This means Jews today are not related racially to the ancient Israelites.
Where do the Palestinians fall into all of this? According to a scientific study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years. Also, this article three years later echoes the same relationship.
I'm glad you asked this question. If you want the quick answer go to the bottom of this response. There’s far more to this nation called Israel though. Let me start out saying that 95% of Israelis are of Ashkenazi descent. Keep this in mid. I'll return to this in a moment. First, Judaism is not Hebraism. Secondly, the word "Jew" did not derive from the Latin as 'Iudaea' (Engl.: 'Judea'). Think about this for a moment, this is a Latin word spoken by the ancient Romans. What ethnic people call themselves by their conqueror's name? Even the people of Germany don't call themselves the English appellative name "German". They call themselves Deutsch (the people; race) and their land Deutschland. The history of Judah, as a living, breathing individual and the land of his posterity was called Judah until his posterity was forcibly and completely removed from the land of Judah to Babylonia. The proper word describing Judah's offspring and descendants has always been Judahites. The word 'Jew' never derived from Judah and certainly did not exist during the Roman times as I will explain in the following paragraph.
Much later the word Jew comes into existence in England in circa 1600s, which coincides with a wave of Yiddish immigrants coming from France and Deutschland. These Yiddish settlers came from eastern Europe and originated from Khazaria, not the Middle East, but rather the steppes of Caspian and Black Seas, which had since fallen to the proxy Byzantine and Caliphate conquering armies. The French and Europeans viewed these immigrants negatively and treated them similarly to gypsies. They allowed them to quarter in only a designated area of the city. A French derogatory term for 'ghetto' and the Yiddish district of town was called – 'Jeuerie'; "ghetto", from Anglo-French 'Juerie', Old French 'Juierie’ or the later English version 'Jewry'. Originally the English term 'Jewry' referred to those immigrants coming from Eastern European people who spoke Yiddish (Ashkenazi). The word 'Jew' did not exist during the Roman times.
Ashkenazi Jews comprise better than 90% of the Jewish population. The remaining 5-7% are of the Spanish Sephardim. The Ashkenazi trace their history to the Pale of Settlement of located in Ukraine and Belarus. Prior to this, this same area was known as the kingdom of Khazaria. Ukraine still uses the same national symbols as in the days of Khazaria. Coincidence?
This research by u/sleepydude is a pretty good assessment to who the Ashkenazi Jews are. In the bible, we are told that Ashkenaz in Genesis 10:3 that Ashkenaz was the grandson of Japheth, son of Noah and not the offspring of Shem, to which the word 'Semite' derives from. What are the chances of Ashkenazi Jews having the biblical name of Ashkenaz? Furthermore, we are told according to the Encyclopaedia Biblica, "Ashkenaz must have been one of the migratory peoples which in the time of Esar-haddon, burst upon the northern provinces of Asia Minor, and upon Armenia. This is precisely the region that Khazaria later encompassed. Moreover, in Jewish academics write:
“... this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga; not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…”, Prof. A. N. Poliak, Tel Aviv University.
“...the Idumeans (Edomites) were...made Jews...and a Turkish people (Khazars) were mainly Jews in South Russia...The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea.” (H.G. Wells, The Outline of History, 3rd ed., MacMillian, 1921, p. 494).
Archaeologists use certain metrics called anthropometry to determine the gender, age, and race of human remains found at historic sites as part of understanding the origins of people and its culture. As part of anthropometry is craniometrics, which is used to determine the racial component of human remains. It is the measurement of shape and capacity of the human cranium. Craniometry is a permanent determinant of race and is immutable (i.e. never changes in time).
“As is at present accepted by nearly all anthropologists, the shape of the head is the most stable characteristic of a given race” (Jewish Encyclopedia IV, 1902, p 335).
For example, “the cephalic index of the Egyptians has remained unchanged for four to five thousand years" (E. E. Jessel, The Unknown History of the Jews, p. 184)
The racial attribute of the ancient Israelites is remarkable because it does not match the physical identifying metrics of Jews today. Ancient Israelite skulls were dolichocephalic (long-headed). The avg. cranial head capacity was measured to be 1416 cc. This fits the physical metric of Northern Europeans.
This presents a dilemma in that the predominance of modern Jews, especially Ashkenazi Jews are brachycephalic (round-headed).
“On an examination of the figures in this table a remarkable uniformity of the cephalic index of the modern Jews will be noticed… nearly 90% are between 81.5 and 83…. Another remarkable fact is the striking absence of the dolichocephalic type, which is characteristic of all the other modern Semitic races” (Jew. Enc. IV, 1902, p 334).
“The most important problem suggested by a study of craniometrical results concerning Jews is the relation of the type head of the modern Jews to that of the ancient Hebrews and to the modern Semitic skulls. The pure Semitic skull is dolichocephalic, as may be seen from a study of the heads of modern Arabs, Abyssinians, Syrians…. The only way the type of head may change is by intermixture with other races. If the ancient Hebrews were of the same stock as the modern non-Jewish Semites, and if the modern Jews are their descendants, then a pure dolichocephalic type of head would be expected among the Jews. As has been seen, all results of Craniometry prove that the Jews are brachycephalic, and that the dolichocephalism form is only found among them in less than two percent of the cases” (Jew. Enc. IV, 1902, p 335).
“Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and cuffed noses they appear to have inherited” (Jew. Enc. X, 1903, p 264).
“And are not they [today’s Jews] the inventors of the Chosen People myth?” Dr. Oscar Levy, preface, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution, George Pitt Rivers (Oxford, 1920) p. vi
This means Jews today are not related racially to the ancient Israelites.
Where do the Palestinians fall into all of this? According to a scientific study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years. Also, this article three years later echoes the same relationship.