Make sure you DRS your shares in your name. The most important thing to do after purchasing shares through your broker.
When the squeeze happens those not DRS'd will be left with IOUs.
Everyone is waiting for a trigger to force margin calls to the big banks. It will probably cause or be triggered by a giant financial market collapse. Think of a giant house of cards full of debt and derivatives.
Make sure you DRS your shares in your name. The most important thing to do after purchasing shares through your broker.
When the squeeze happens those not DRS'd will be left with IOUs.
Everyone is waiting for a trigger to force margin calls to the big banks. It will probably cause or be triggered b6 a giant f8nancial market collapse. Think of avgiant house of cards full of debt and derivatives.
Make sure you DRS your shares in your name. The most important thing to do after purchasing shares through your broker.
When the squeeze happens those not DRS'd will be left with IOUs.
Everyone is waiting for a trigger to force margin calls to the big banks. It will probably ca7se or be triggered b6 a giant f8nancial market collapse. Think of avgiant house of cards full of debt and derivatives.
Make sure you DRS your shares in your name. The most important thing to do after purchasing shares through your broker.
When the squeeze happens those not DRS'd will be left with IOUs