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Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbits (scrape) on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubble_bursts

Strelniek post 8kun ARCHIVE

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021


one of the best parts is that Ty Clevenger, an actual attorney and patriot has given notice to these faggots. to cease and desist. If he decides to go after them, he will have tons of ammo from the connections made here. it won't just be Andrei going down. It will be everyone connected to him.


Ty Clevenger was in the news last week, and code monkey is sourced in the article.

Wouldn't be surprised if Jim and Ron are in communications with Ty.

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

Lol they even tried to join GAW and defend themselves (horribly)

, anons respond-

"Kek, imagine thinking you can sue an individual American for "defaming" a corporate entity. The stupid is starting to fucking burn." ... "The retards have to show that the defamation causes them financial loss.

They have to admit they are paytriots trying to make money on Q research and prove that we impeded that. Which means that they have to show a provable business model of how they plan to make money on Q research. The business model would be that they plan to defraud people into giving them money.


245 days ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbits (scrape) on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post 8kun ARCHIVE

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021


one of the best parts is that Ty Clevenger, an actual attorney and patriot has given notice to these faggots. to cease and desist. If he decides to go after them, he will have tons of ammo from the connections made here. it won't just be Andrei going down. It will be everyone connected to him.


Ty Clevenger was in the news last week, and code monkey is sourced in the article.

Wouldn't be surprised if Jim and Ron are in communications with Ty.

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

Lol they even tried to join GAW and defend themselves (horribly)

, anons respond-

"Kek, imagine thinking you can sue an individual American for "defaming" a corporate entity. The stupid is starting to fucking burn." ... "The retards have to show that the defamation causes them financial loss.

They have to admit they are paytriots trying to make money on Q research and prove that we impeded that. Which means that they have to show a provable business model of how they plan to make money on Q research. The business model would be that they plan to defraud people into giving them money.


245 days ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post ARCHIVE

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021


one of the best parts is that Ty Clevenger, an actual attorney and patriot has given notice to these faggots. to cease and desist. If he decides to go after them, he will have tons of ammo from the connections made here. it won't just be Andrei going down. It will be everyone connected to him.


Ty Clevenger was in the news last week, and code monkey is sourced in the article.

Wouldn't be surprised if Jim and Ron are in communications with Ty.

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

Lol they even tried to join GAW and defend themselves (horribly)

, anons respond-

"Kek, imagine thinking you can sue an individual American for "defaming" a corporate entity. The stupid is starting to fucking burn." ... "The retards have to show that the defamation causes them financial loss.

They have to admit they are paytriots trying to make money on Q research and prove that we impeded that. Which means that they have to show a provable business model of how they plan to make money on Q research. The business model would be that they plan to defraud people into giving them money.


245 days ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021


one of the best parts is that Ty Clevenger, an actual attorney and patriot has given notice to these faggots. to cease and desist. If he decides to go after them, he will have tons of ammo from the connections made here. it won't just be Andrei going down. It will be everyone connected to him.


Ty Clevenger was in the news last week, and code monkey is sourced in the article.

Wouldn't be surprised if Jim and Ron are in communications with Ty.

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

Lol they even tried to join GAW and defend themselves (horribly)

, anons respond-

"Kek, imagine thinking you can sue an individual American for "defaming" a corporate entity. The stupid is starting to fucking burn." ... "The retards have to show that the defamation causes them financial loss.

They have to admit they are paytriots trying to make money on Q research and prove that we impeded that. Which means that they have to show a provable business model of how they plan to make money on Q research. The business model would be that they plan to defraud people into giving them money.


245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021


one of the best parts is that Ty Clevenger, an actual attorney and patriot has given notice to these faggots. to cease and desist. If he decides to go after them, he will have tons of ammo from the connections made here. it won't just be Andrei going down. It will be everyone connected to him.


Ty Clevenger was in the news last week, and code monkey is sourced in the article.

Wouldn't be surprised if Jim and Ron are in communications with Ty.

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

Lol they even tried to join GAW and defend themselves (horribly)

, anons respond-

"Kek, imagine thinking you can sue an individual American for "defaming" a corporate entity. The stupid is starting to fucking burn." ... "The retards have to show that the defamation causes them financial loss.

They have to admit they are paytriots trying to make money on Q research and prove that we impeded that. Which means that they have to show a provable business model of how they plan to make money on Q research. The business model would be that they plan to defraud people into giving them money.


245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

Lol they even tried to join GAW and defend themselves (horribly)

, anons respond-

"Kek, imagine thinking you can sue an individual American for "defaming" a corporate entity. The stupid is starting to fucking burn." ... "The retards have to show that the defamation causes them financial loss.

They have to admit they are paytriots trying to make money on Q research and prove that we impeded that. Which means that they have to show a provable business model of how they plan to make money on Q research. The business model would be that they plan to defraud people into giving them money.


245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

Lol they even tried to join GAW and defend themselves (horribly)

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."


"looks like austin steinlarp retracted his letter disavowing merlescu / babyfist / mj12 / ingersol lockwood. It is no where to be found today and he is forwarding messages from tore says+"

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.


"Well well well

Now it's really getting good.

Tore is a scammer that was even involved in MIllie Weaver's documentary/soap opera called #ShadowGate that was pimped hard here (and elsewhere) back in Aug/Sep 2020. Funny how all these things are usually attached to the MOS-AJ machine."

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

"ToreSays" , could possibly be their handler? She's a self-admitted "former" spook

"Yah, I was literally just thinking the same thing- they both appear to be downstream/utilizing a telegram group called Tore Says + Chat:

I count 3 messages forwarded onto Steinlarp's group from Tore, and 2 in Andrei's chat in just the last day. Andrei has gone back and forth on steinlarp, especially recently (he's softened up), and Steinlarp hasn't said a single negative word about Apario/Andrei.

I believe that there is someone in the background that has a foot in both camps and his helping to smooth things over- whether its tore or not, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'll find out.

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

found a pic of "Michael Trimm", sorry bud, you tried to scrub it all but you made the mistake of appearing on someone else's show, can't delete that one now can you? (guy on the right)

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

steinlarp might still be working with merlescu, just found this july 10 2021 where he links to project apario. SMG = Steinbart Media Group

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

They were the main ones trying to push Steinlarp at the beginning of 2020 (that's when I first identified and tracked them). Like I said earlier Andrei is Mossad- and we all know how much the glowies try to fuck around on here, it's just funny to watch at this point. Notice how there are not nearly the same number of glowies compared to the early days? They all know the walls are closing in, and the smart ones who can actually think are saving themselves. Honestly this entire thread could be posted. It's a whole carpet bomb

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger" july 12 2021

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

BTFO'd by Ty Clevenger?

"Mr. Merlescu,

I noticed that Project Apario has been taking credit for obtaining "declassified" FBI records about Seth Rich. Your self-promotion campaign appears to be designed to raise money, and it is fraudulent. Cease and desist immediately.

Project Apario played no role whatsoever in getting the records from the FBI. I obtained the records from the FBI on behalf of my client, Brian Huddleston, and none of them were classified. I am, however, currently fighting in court to get some records declassified.

We have plenty of kooks and charlatans trying to exploit the murder of Seth Rich. We don't need anymore. If you don't remove the false information from your website, I will publicly expose your fraud.

Ty Clevenger"

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Strelniek post

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that) u/bubblebursts

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that)

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo nutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

245 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Found an interesting tidbit on 8kun thx to u/Strelnieks (not going to post under Brent75's forced-sticky in my thread because fuck that)

Yes, this is correct, these three clowns(Merlescu, DJ Nicke & Matozzo were actively working with the FBI to try to bury Steinbart.


Lets play a little bacon…

Andrei Merlescu sets up a fake MJ12 account, he cons lots of people into believing it is the original account (even Darryl J. Nicke & Jason Matozzo, two of his soon to be confidants).

Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo then gravitate towards some dude called Austin Steinbart belovedly known to the Q community as SteinLARP, a man currently on house arrest and strapped with an ankle monitor…aaaand who had already been at loggerheads with the FBI due to a dispute he was having with a cloud storage service company called 'DATTO'(shady ass fag company, look into it anons, HRC…NUFF SAID).

Merlescu, who was going by the alias 'Patriot Phoenix' at the time approached Steinbart about creating a document search optimization tool called "Phoenix Vault".

It would be used to help organize and search through the JFK docs and would be totally free for all. Supposedly Steinbart wanted to keep it that way but Merlescu ended up soliciting donations, wanted to profit from it and scammed some people out of thousands of dollars.

Anyway these two fags part ways and Merlescu ends up convincing the other two fags that Steinbart is scum and off they go.

The three in question(Merlescu, Nicke & Matozzo) had been pretty prominent figures in Steinbarts organization and they end up almost burning his business to the ground in retribution.

So not only did they try to destroy his business but they succeeded in having him thrown back in jail by the FBI…nice felles eh!

Word is there were others involved but I dont give a fuck, my head is starting to hurt already with all this faggotry!!

So as Steinbart rots in prison the three stooges hatch an elaborate scheme to keep propping up the MJ12 account and draw in some gullible sheeple. Nicke and Matozzo setup a company called "Carbon Capture Shield"(some faggy 'save the planet' bullshit)… which by all accounts, flys under the Ingersoll Lockwood banner.

Meanwhile, Andrei Merlescu, AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA MJ12, currently going by the alias 'A Raven Who Cares' (…sorry, I just fkn cant…this shit is fkn ridioculous!!!) is rebranding his search optimization tool 'Phoenix Vault" into the new and improved 'Project Apario' and getting ready for another run, but this time the focus is on the Seth Rich Docs(which the FBI posted 2 months ago)…nice grift!

He is of course soliciting donations again, as is his two partners Nicke and Matozzo. They are running a grift on GoFundMe for their "business".

Now this is where the faggotry knows no bounds!!! The MJ12 account, which is being operated by Andrei Merlescu (AKA Patriot Phoenix / AKA Michael Trimm / AKA A Raven Who Cares / AKA MJ12) which has garnered a strong following is used to prop up all the other faggy businesses. (Project Apario, formerly known as Phoenix Vault and Carbon Capture Shield) Now according to this bread(great job anon) the ultimate grift was yet to be put into motion…and thats why it makes so much sense!

The MJ12 account being run by Merlescu was hinting at the Ingersoll Lockwood grift per recent posts and also in the infamous 'Sgt. B' post. When all the hysteria regarding the 'B' post hit the MJ12 account capitalized. Which means Andrei Merlescu capitalized. Which means Carbon Capture Shield capitalized. Which means Ingersoll Lockwood capitalized.

Follow the money anons…

MJ12 is now in the process of funneling its following to Ingersoll Lockwood, and by proxy, Carbon Capture Shield.


Certain accounts were aware that this 'B' post was coming, before it even happened! HOW? EYES EVERYWHERE?

Could the boards have been compd? (would'nt be the first time from my understanding)

Why was this post made on Q's private board? To co-opt the anons to jump on the 'Sgt. B' train? To convince the anons that 'Q' would now be dropping as 'Sgt. B'? To gain control of the boards? To gain control of the anons? To gain control of the Q movement?

…to what end?

So Andrie Merlescu AKA MJ12 can promote Ingersoll Lockwood Site that has Carbon Capture Shield(Nicke & Motozzo) under its umbrella creating a nice little faggy circlejerk. They try to convince the anons to buy into Ingersoll Lockwood by proxy using the MJ12 account which is rumoured to be connected to the Sgt B post?

Then convince the anons through Sgt B that Ingersoll Lockwood was the "a place to focus their attention". Now that a gap had opened up in the market…someone had to fill it right? Only makes sense it would be a bunch of shills

…I mean, think about it ffs!! In turn MJ12 gets propped right back up and they rake it in through the back door in the form of donations etc. Straight up INFORMATION for PROFIT!

Meanwhile Nicke and Matozzo clean up through Carbon Capture Shield, completing the circle jerk!

All it took was a break in concentration by the anon community, a brief slip up, our fingers off the pulse…but it all comes out in the wash, they dont know us anons very fucking well…DO THEY?!?!

Interesting to note that MJ12 did not publicly make a statement on the 'B' post…which would be unusual for them right?

To quote the infamous Sgt. B Drop

Fact Vs. Fiction We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours. Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? Funny how the 'B' post mentions Questions and Playbooks and so does the Ingersoll site - (SEE PIC ANON)

Also worth noting is how the website has gotten an overhaul and that the CEO's name has changed…all in the last few days, peculiar timing…is it getting hot out? Steinbart was recently released from prison after taking a plea so as not to end up in there indefinetly(anons know how the shady ass faggy FBI work) and Merlescu and co. are immediately trying to shit on him, no surprise there.

I would guess a character assisanition would be in order so as not to expose their faggotry…makes sense!

His now, shell of a media company were involved in "The Deep Rig" documentary and Patrick Byrnes orginization 'The America Project' used their channel to dissascoiate from him immediately after he appeared on stage at the first live screening in Arizona. Motherfuckers really have it out for this dude…its hard to blame them honestly, he has quite the LARPING history himself(understatement of the fucking century)…like claiming to be Q!!!

YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME FAGS!!! But thats for another time…my fucking heads spinning!

My dear Anons, this is by far the FAGGIEST FAGGING that has ever FAGGED… the LARPIEST LARPING that has ever LARPED!!!

…I apologize for having to bring this here but its comedic value alone is where the gold's at! THESE FUCKIN CLOWNS!!


  • END

I personally remember Michael Trimm from 2018 Qtuber days, and remember him disappearing then re-emerging as "A Raven", then going absolutely mental and rebranding again as Phoenix something, and then Project Apario, blah blah blah, skitzo jutjob faggotry be gone! Ingersol LARPwood begone!

245 days ago
1 score