The link opens up a search of with the search item "Clickbait", many of which are posts I have posted about ThePeople'sVoice aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire.
The posts cover the origins (creators), the methodology they use, with case study examples, discussion of the impacts, etc.
I can see that this current post was poorly designed. Very likely I'll remove it and structure a better, clearer post that lays out my intent and concerns better.
Thanks for the feedback, btw.
The link opens up a search of with the search item "Clickbait", many of which are posts I have posted about ThePeople'sVoice aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire.
The posts cover the origins (creators), the methodology they use, with case study examples, discussion of the impacts, etc.
I can see that this current post was porrly designed. Very likely I'll remove it and structure a better, clearer post that lays out my intent and concerns better.
Thanks for the feedback, btw.
The link opens up a search of with the search item Clickbait, with most of the posts I have posted about ThePeople'sVoice aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire.
The posts cover the origins (creators), the methodology they use, with case study examples, discussion of the impacts, etc.