Eh, no. I was using the link to bring up the multitude of posts about Clickbait, Many of which are (my) posts about:
ThePeople'sVoice aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire.
The posts cover the origins (creators) of this site, the methodologies they use, with case study examples, discussion of the impacts, etc.
If I'm complaining, its about people who post clickbait from this site, WITHOUT any attention to practices of verification, evaluation, etc, and about the negative impacts that (in my opinion) this sort of posting has.
I supposed it would have been obvious, but clearly I haven't designed this post well, as no one seems to have gotten the point.
In any case, I was very surprised when two clickbait articles from TPV were AGAIN posted at GAW, and one of them stickied and posted by a mod! When there is clearly no tangible basis (that I can see) for the sensationalist clickbait premise of the articles.
Considering that very often between 50% and 80% of reactions by the board to such clickbait items is purely reactive and in almost all cases based on fabrications (i.e. reacting and responding to things that never happened), I see such posting as a significant disservice to the GAW board and community, particularly as it seems to promote the opposite of what Q exhorted everyone to do; to research, find out the factual data, discern and explode fake narratives while revealing truth.
Oh, if folks actually posted stuff with "clickbait' in the title, I'd be super happy. So no, I'm certainly not complaining about posts with "clickbait" in the title. Quite the opposite.
Eh, no. I was using the link to bring up the multitude of posts about Clickbait, Many of which are (my) posts about:
ThePeople'sVoice aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire.
The posts cover the origins (creators) of this site, the methodologies they use, with case study examples, discussion of the impacts, etc.
If I'm complaining, its about people who post clickbait from this site, WITHOUT any attention to practices of verification, evaluation, etc, and about the negative impacts that (in my opinion) this sort of posting has.
I supposed it would have been obvious, but clearly I haven't designed this post well, as no one seems to have gotten the point.
In any case, I was very surprised when two clickbait articles from TPV were AGAIN posted at GAW, and one of them stickied and posted by a mod! When there is clearly no tangible basis (that I can see) for the sensationalist clickbait premise of the articles.
Considering that very often between 50% and 80% of reactions by the board to such clickbait items is purely reactive and in almost all cases based on fabrications (i.e. reacting and responding to things that never happened), I see such posting as a significant disservice to the GAW board and community, particularly as it seems to promote the opposite of what Q exhorted everyone to do; to research, find out the factual data, discern and explode fake narratives while revealing truth.
Oh, if folks actually posted stuff with "clickbait' in the title, I'd be super happy. So not, I'm certainly not complaining about posts with "clickbait" in the title. Quite the opposite.