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I'm tired, lads. If these guys are there; where are they? It reinforces my belief: The only place to put your faith is in God; in a citizenship in Heaven, only attainable through God the Son, Jesus Christ.

At this point, it feels like this is never going to happen. I feel discouraged about the world, but I'm just passing through. I get the feeling that it's all a bunch of copium for us. State after state, fraud after fraud, seeming chess gambits that never seem to go anywhere. Clearly corrupt officials, protecting other, clearly corrupt officials. We're lining things up; forever. It doesn't matter when all the major DAs are bought and paid for by Soros already.

  • If there are a group of patriots in power since the 1960s; they never seem to do anything; they have already failed; because who gives a flip about an American schism anymore?
  • They would have had decades to avoid this. Decades to act against them. So where were they?
  • The schools got worse, the colleges got worse, the foreign interests got worse.
  • They'd have by my estimate the last 40 years to have closed the border with nothing to show for it.
  • Inflation and spending has only accelerated. Where are these people trying to remove the clearly insider trading crooks?
  • What will be left to save? To savor? The people who they will come to save by the time they are good and ready are already will be flat our majority communists; ideologically polluted beyond waking. Every second they wait to act is more and more communists pouring into voting age. Gen Z is 20+% LGBT (1 in 5), which is clearly the result of leftist brainwashing. Who the heck will they be trying to save?

The left will always be an unhinged mob of communist radicals; they were programmed to be that way; Yuri Bezmenov told us flat out; You can't reason with them; even with proof, they are ideologically brainwashed. "Only when the (communist) military boot is crashing their balls, will they wake up." They are ideologically subverted; they are de-moralized, as in, they do not share our values, and cannot be made to without a genuine realization. Why bother; any action; eventual or otherwise; even exposure will be flipped; they need the viewpoint; the superiority complex, the savior complex, the proto-elite, effete sensibility; it's all built on the world view that the leftist overestimates themselves. Back when I was a liberal; I tried to show my friends what I found; they refused information that didn't line up with what they thought already.

Few wake up from subversion.

We're so divided that neither side will honestly care more than posturing. They announced aliens on the news, and no one even looked up...Either the Q group doesn't exist, got caught a long time ago, cannot/ will not act, or we're gobbling up the hopium that some leftist bureaucrat career alphabet type or think tank created.

WWG1WGA is virtue signaling, just like all the "my prez is X not Y like and share if u agree!" "AFBAP" and "Wood chippers 4 pedos" posts.

I'm tired of "trusting the plan" there is no plan, and should they ever come, they'll save naught but a pile of ashes; filled with braindead dopamine addicted gay communist zombies. If they aren't coming now; what is the point? Der Krieg ist bereits Verloren. AS IS.

If these Q guys, these good guys aren't coming now; ask yourself; what will they be able to save?

Put your faith in God, he doesn't fail.

162 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I'm tired, lads. If these guys are there; where are they? It reinforces my belief: The only place to put your faith is in God; in a citizenship in Heaven, only attainable through God the Son, Jesus Christ.

At this point, it feels like this is never going to happen. I feel discouraged about the world, but I'm just passing through. I get the feeling that it's all a bunch of copium for us. State after state, fraud after fraud, seeming chess gambits that never seem to go anywhere. Clearly corrupt officials, protecting other, clearly corrupt officials. We're lining things up; forever. It doesn't matter when all the major DAs are bought and paid for by Soros already.

  • If there are a group of patriots in power since the 1960s; they never seem to do anything; they have already failed; because who gives a flip about an American schism anymore?
  • They would have had decades to avoid this. Decades to act against them. So where were they?
  • The schools got worse, the colleges got worse, the foreign interests got worse.
  • They'd have by my estimate the last 40 years to have closed the border with nothing to show for it.
  • Inflation and spending has only accelerated. Where are these people trying to remove the clearly insider trading crooks?
  • What will be left to save? To savor? The people who they will come to save by the time they are good and ready are already will be flat our majority communists; ideologically polluted beyond waking. Every second they wait to act is more and more communists pouring into voting age. Gen Z is FRICKING 20+% LGBT. Who the heck will they be trying to save?

The left will always be an unhinged mob of communist radicals; they were programmed to be that way; Yuri Bezmenov told us flat out; You can't reason with them; even with proof, they are ideologically brainwashed. "Only when the (communist) military boot is crashing their balls, will they wake up." They are ideologically subverted; they are de-moralized, as in, they do not share our values, and cannot be made to without a genuine realization. Why bother; any action; eventual or otherwise; even exposure will be flipped; they need the viewpoint; the superiority complex, the savior complex, the proto-elite, effete sensibility; it's all built on the world view that the leftist overestimates themselves. Back when I was a liberal; I tried to show my friends what I found; they refused information that didn't line up with what they thought already.

Few wake up from subversion.

We're so divided that neither side will honestly care more than posturing. They announced aliens on the news, and no one even looked up...Either the Q group doesn't exist, got caught a long time ago, cannot/ will not act, or we're gobbling up the hopium that some leftist bureaucrat career alphabet type or think tank created.

WWG1WGA is virtue signaling, just like all the "my prez is X not Y like and share if u agree!" "AFBAP" and "Wood chippers 4 pedos" posts.

I'm tired of "trusting the plan" there is no plan, and should they ever come, they'll save naught but a pile of ashes; filled with braindead dopamine addicted gay communist zombies. If they aren't coming now; what is the point? Der Krieg ist bereits Verloren. AS IS.

If these Q guys, these good guys aren't coming now; ask yourself; what will they be able to save?

Put your faith in God, he doesn't fail.

206 days ago
1 score