It's a very good read and to share thanks for posting ! From the article 👉We must understand our government has been hijacked by these globalist elites and our Presidents in the past back to Theodore Roosevelt and all current Presidents, with the exception of Trump, Nixon, Kennedy, and Taft, all were treasonous puppets of the Committee. Ronald Reagan got the message after he was shot!!! Our House and Senate have cooperated with the Committee to pass the legislation they wanted. A crisis is created and initiated, the people cry for help to solve the problem, and the puppets of the Committee get the legislature to pass the bill they want. Can I say Patriot Act passed by George Bush and our Congress to better “help” identify terrorist but the act is now being used against citizens of this nation. No more Muslim terrorists now; the real terrorist today are Christians and middle-class white people!!!
It's a very good read and to share thanks for posting !