I think it will eventually become clear that nothing is going to habben soon. No fixes, corrections, repercussions, consequences, or improvements. Just a bunch of continuous roiling that everyone will get sick of worse than they already are.
I’m not dooming or negative at all. If anything, I feel pretty calm, even maybe objective—certainly emotionally neutral.
I also believe that nothing will happen until people are all but screaming for some kind of action or intervention because by we’ll get to where we’re beyond the edge of disaster and actually falling into the pit.
Then the military will activate and operate under The Law of War: https://media.defense.gov/2023/Jul/31/2003271432/-1/-1/0/DOD-LAW-OF-WAR-MANUAL-JUNE-2015-UPDATED-JULY%202023.PDF—and likely under similar mandates.
The relentless accretion of incoherence everywhere reduces the odds of things turning out well. Bad guys trying to save themselves will not only compound but also ensure their own inevitable disasters—and possibly ours if we’re not careful.
Prudence, prayer, and planning are what my husband and I are doing (and recommending) to ensure that We the People are out of harm’s way when the Titans inevitably clash—which they will, and which we recognize as real by the glowering and menacing that’s going on now.
I think it will eventually become clear that nothing is going to habben soon. No fixes, corrections, repercussions, consequences, or improvements. Just a bunch of continuous roiling that everyone will get sick of worse than they already are.
I’m not dooming or negative at all. If anything, I feel pretty calm, even maybe objective—certainly emotionally neutral.
I also believe that nothing will happen until people are all but screaming for some kind of action or intervention because by we’ll get to where we’re beyond the edge of disaster and actually falling into the pit.
Then the military will activate and operate under The Law of War: https://media.defense.gov/2023/Jul/31/2003271432/-1/-1/0/DOD-LAW-OF-WAR-MANUAL-JUNE-2015-UPDATED-JULY%202023.PDF—and likely under similar mandates.
The relentless and observable accretion of detail reduces the odds of things turning out well. Bad guys trying to save themselves will not only compound but also ensure their own inevitable disasters—and possibly ours if we’re not careful.
Prudence, prayer, and planning are what my husband and I are doing (and recommending) to ensure that We the People are out of harm’s way when the Titans inevitably clash—which they will, and which we recognize as real by the glowering and menacing that’s going on now.