I watch Fulford’s videos fairly often to hear alternate perspectives. The key areas that undermine my confidence in him are these persistent narratives that he continually pushes:
(1) That the “real” DJT has been locked away in Cheyenne Mountain since March of 2020 and that we’ve been watching a body double of some kind ever since then.
(2) That DJT may not be the ultimate person to ‘take the reigns’ again to lead America (and subsequently the rest of the world) out of this dark, cabal-directed hellscape.
(3) That DJT “is just another actor and politician who’s a mouthpiece for his handlers.”
I just can’t get past these recurring themes that Fulford pushes. It’s hard for me to glean anything valuable out of Fulford’s “updates” when they’re so over-shadowed by these other messages that I deeply disagree with.
I watch Fulford’s videos fairly often to hear alternate perspectives. The key areas that undermine my confidence in him are these persistent narratives that he continually pushes:
(1) That the “real” DJT has been locked away in Cheyenne Mountain since March of 2020 and that we’ve been watching a body double of some kind ever since then.
(2) That DJT may not be the ultimate person to ‘take the reigns’ again to lead America (and subsequently the rest of the world) out of this dark, cabal-directed hellscape.
(3) That DJT “is just another actor and politician who’s a mouthpiece for his handlers.”
I just can’t get past these recurring themes that Fulford pushes. It’s hard for me to green anything valuable out of Fulford’s “updates” when they’re so over-shadowed by these other messages that I deeply disagree with.