I just got "COVID" and from past couple of days my body has been detoxing. I am not into lot of medicines and such. All I do when I get sick (rarely) is stop eating and let body do its thing. Day before yesterday I had body aches and headache along with mucus. I took some shikimic acid (fennel+star anise+white pine needles extract) couple of times, that dampened most of the spike proteins resulting in hardly any sneezes, yet continued mucus coming out. I had just orange juice day before yesterday. Since I didn't have any body ache yesterday and no spike proteins, I had some fruits smoothie yesterday and some herbal tea (mint+ginger+lemon peal+lemon juice+honey) with shikimic acid. Today I feel a lot better and will start with little bit of cooked food and see how it goes.
In my experience, toxic accumulation in the body is what triggers so called COVID. The cabal is pumping poisons through our water supplies (not always, but sometimes) and I could feel it. They also spray it through jets in the skies. I could smell it too. When you go through body cleansing and detoxing, your senses become heightened and you can sense these subtle yet deadly poisons. The body stores these toxins along with food we consume and forms a layer. These layers build up each day and one fine day the damn breaks and that creates a domino effect for the body to release those layers into the blood causing all the detox symptoms. At that time if we continue to eat regular cooked food, it will distract body for just a short while, but soon detox symptoms intensify significantly due to additional cleansing needed from the food.
I just got "COVID" and from past couple of days my body has been detoxing. I am not into lot of medicines and such. All I do when I get sick (rarely) is stop eating and let body do its thing. Day before yesterday I had body aches and headache along with mucus. I took some shikimic acid (fennel+star anise+white pine needles extract) couple of times, that dampened all most of the spike proteins resulting in hardly any sneezes, yet continued mucus coming out. I had just orange juice day before yesterday. Since I didn't have any body ache yesterday and no spike proteins, I had some fruits smoothie yesterday and some herbal tea (mint+ginger+lemon peal+lemon juice+honey) with shikimic acid. Today I feel a lot better and will start with little bit of cooked food and see how it goes.
In my experience, toxic accumulation in the body is what triggers so called COVID. The cabal is pumping poisons through our water supplies (not always, but sometimes) and I could feel it. They also spray it through jets in the skies. I could smell it too. When you go through body cleansing, detoxing your senses become heightened and you can sense these subtle yet deadly poisons. The body stores these toxins along with food we consume and forms a layer. These layers build up each day and one fine day the damn breaks and that creates a domino effect for body to release those layers into the blood causing all the detox symptoms. At that time if we continue to eat regular cooked food, it will distract body for just a short while, but soon detox symptoms intensify significantly due to additional cleansing needed from the food.