Logical Fallacy. Appeal to Authority. Make up then deploy numbers.
For example, 90% of the time those who inject %s into their comments are trying to pull a Fauci, trust the experts, con. 😘
Emoji key
😘 == meant to be taken as Love inspired Light Hearted teasing.that hopefully inspires keks and bemused self reflection.
Logical Fallacy. Appeal to Authority. Make up then deploy numbers.
For example, 90% of the time those who inject %s into their comments are trying to pull a Fauci, trust the experts, con. 😘
Emoji key
😘 == meant to be taken as Love inspired, hopefully helpful, Light Hearted teasing.
Logical Fallacy. Appeal to Authority. Make up then deploy numbers.
For example, 90% of the time those who inject %s into their comments are trying to pull a Fauci, trust the experts, con. 😘
Emoji key
😘 == meant to be taken as love inspired, hopefully helpful, Light Hearted teasing.