Notice the verb choice?
"lapping up"
Notice the word choice that erases each anons individuality; replacing it with a hive mind borg?
Notice the implied claim that this word chooser has the ability to read "everyones" mind?
Notice the choice to declare that anons "ARE kitties"...."lapping up Clandestines comments like warm milk"?
Notice the animus towards Clandestine and any anon who doesn't share that animus?
Notice the verb choice?
"lapping up"
Notice the word choice that erases each anons individuality; replacing it with a hive mind borg?
Notice the implied claim that this word chooser has the ability to read every anons mind?
Notice the choice to declare that anons "ARE kitties"...."lapping up Clandestines comments like warm milk"?
Notice the animus towards Clandestine and any anon who doesn't share that animus?