remember... it ISN'T our GOVERNMENT carrying out these atrocities. our government has been "HIJACKED", not allowed to function as intended & in most cases, simply ignored & bypassed outright, because we provide little to no accountability for those who hold positions.
the infiltrators carry out this stuff & the people wrongly blame the government, with the primary result being that "people lose faith in government."
use common sense... what IS government? can government get up & walk into church, vote or pick up a gun??
government is a CONTRACT.
PEOPLE committed atrocities.
PEOPLE try & force the surrender of our firearms.
PEOPLE carry out false flags in order to.... wait for it, take more privileges or "rights" from others.
GOVERNMENT is NOT the problem. PEOPLE who belong to certain ideologies, lodges & rogue PRIVATE entities are the problem.
blaming government for things that people do, is no different than blaming guns for the actions of lunatics.
when we blame government for things people are doing, we are falling for EXACTLY what the enemy wants, which is the DESTRUCTION OF OUR GOVERNMENT, so they can institute THEIR OWN in place of ours that they try 24/7 to hijack & destroy.
remember... it ISN'T our GOVERNMENT carrying out these atrocities. our government has been "HIJACKED", not allowed to function as intended & in most cases, simply ignored & bypassed outright, because we provide little to no accountability for those who hold positions.
the infiltrators carry out this stuff & the people wrongly blame the government, with the primary result being that "people lose faith in government."
use common sense... what IS government? can government get up & walk into church, vote or pick up a gun??
government is a CONTRACT.
PEOPLE committed atrocities.
PEOPLE try & force the surrender of our firearms.
PEOPLE carry out false flags in order to.... wait for it, take more from others.
GOVERNMENT is NOT the problem. PEOPLE who belong to certain ideologies, lodges & rogue PRIVATE entities are the problem.
blaming government for things that people do, is no different than blaming guns for the actions of lunatics.
when we blame government for things people are doing, we are falling for EXACTLY what the enemy wants, which is the DESTRUCTION OF OUR GOVERNMENT, so they can institute THEIR OWN in place of ours that they try 24/7 to hijack & destroy.