Super Mario Bros movie from 1993. Portal to an alternate dimension. Ruled by a guy played by Dennis Hopper (sort of a similar role to his character in Water World) allegedly modeled after Trump, something I find interesting considering the second Back To The Future movie which came out about 4-5 years prior where the antagonist is played by a guy supposedly modeled after Trump.
Their computer models must have predicted Trump a long time ago.
Super Mario Bros movie from 1993. Portal to an alternate dimension. Ruled by a guy played by Dennis Hopper (sort of a similar role to his character in Water World) allegedly modeled after Trump, something I find interesting considering the second Back To The Future movie which came out about 4-5 years prior where the antagonist is played by a guy supposedly modeled after Trump.
Their computer models must have predicted Trump a long tiome ago.
Super Mario Bros movie from 1993. Portal to an alternate dimension. Ruled by a guy played by Dennis Hopper (sort of a similar role to his character in Water World) allegedly modeled after Trump.