I before E except after…..C. Old grammar jingle ...
...that nearly everyone remembers, yet it's loaded with exceptions
I before E except after C, or when sounded like "A" as in neighbor and weigh! Sleigh, inveigh, rein, reign, feign, feint, etc.
And then there's either, neither, weird, foreign, leisure, seize, height, sleight, protein, caffeine, forfeit, codeine, heifer....and chancier, chanciest, fancier, fanciest, financier,...etc.
The 'rule' is barely useful :p
I before E except after…..C. Old grammar jingle ...
...that nearly everyone remembers, yet it's loaded with exceptions
I before E except after C, or when sounded like "A" as in neighbor and weigh! Sleigh, inveigh, rein, reign, feign, feint, etc.
And then there's either, neither, weird, foreign, leisure, seize, forfeit, height, sleight, protein, caffeine, forfeit, codeine, heifer....and chancier, chanciest, fancier, fanciest, financier,...etc.
The 'rule' is barely useful :p
I before E except after…..C. Old grammar jingle ...
...that nearly everyone remembers, and it's loaded with so many exceptions as to be almost useless.
I before E except after C, or when sounded like "A" as in neighbor and weigh! Sleigh, inveigh, rein, reign, feign, feint, etc.
And then there's either, neither, weird, foreign, leisure, seize, forfeit, height, sleight, protein, caffeine, forfeit, codeine, heifer....and chancier, chanciest, fancier, fanciest, financier,...etc.
Great rule though