Fun side note, HAL the AI Computer in 2001: A space odyssey is a hidden acronym for none other then IBM. Enough you crazy conspiracy theorists! /S
Fun article that expands on this but Of course labels it all just a coincidence.
Fun side note, HAL the AI Computer in 2001: A space odyssey is a hidden acronym for none other then IBM. Enough you crazy conspiracy theorists! /S
Fun article that expands on this but Of course labels it all just a coincidence.
Fun side note, HAL the AI Computer in 2001: A space odyssey is a hidden acronym for none other then IBM.
Fun article that expands on this but Of course labels it all just a coincidence.
Fun side note, HAL the AI Computer in 2001: A space odyssey is a hidden acronym for none other then IBM.
Fun article that expands on this: