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Reason: None provided.

I had a store on Etsy before in the past. At that time it was only cents to relist an item. When I first got there, it felt like a charming community of creative people selling unique handmade items.

One of the reasons I left was Etsy was becoming WOKE. People were complaining about sex toys, bondage equipment, LGBT, nudity, etc. showing up as being recommended for them when they had never looked at these kind of items before. And you couldn't get rid of it. Stores were selling manufactured candy bars and knock-offs from China. LGBT and ethnicity were being pushed hard and made up most of the executives. On the front page, sometimes every model was black.

A long time ago, I bought a coffee mug with Based Stickman on it. You can't find anything about him anymore and the history of my purchase was erased.

They charged very successful stores enormous fees so often for being listed on Google when they didn't ask to be, it wasn't even worth it, and stores moved or closed. They made a lot of stupid management decisions that hurt sellers and wouldn't work on things that mattered, like computer glitches, i.e. wonky "shopping carts". Everything became corporate, following Amazon and they didn't care about sellers in the least.

But I do believe they are selling children now.

200 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I had a store on Etsy before in the past. At that time it was only cents to relist an item. When I first got there, it felt like a charming community of creative people.

One of the reasons I left was Etsy was becoming WOKE. People were complaining about sex toys, bondage equipment, LGBT, nudity, etc. showing up as being recommended for them when they had never looked at these kind of items before. And you couldn't get rid of it. Stores were selling manufactured candy bars and knock-offs from China. LGBT and ethnicity were being pushed, hard and made up most of the executives. On the front page, sometimes every model was black.

A long time ago, I bought a coffee mug with Based Stickman on it. You can't find anything about him anymore and the history of my purchase was erased.

They charged very successful stores enormous fees so often for being listed on Google when they didn't ask to be, it wasn't even worth it, and stores moved or closed. They made a lot of stupid management decisions that hurt sellers and wouldn't work on things that mattered, like computer glitches, i.e. wonky "shopping carts". Everything became corporate, following Amazon and they didn't care about sellers in the least.

But I do believe they are selling children now.

200 days ago
1 score