The silly thing is, you’re arguing against solid facts. I’m not saying anything that isn’t researchable and false. You really don’t understand the Vatican, the Council of Nicaea which was FACTUAL, or Constantine’s power grift and Biblical Control, or post-Constantine Roman emperors, towards the Bible and Christianity. Why was the group that created the Dead Sea Scrolls obliterated by the Romans? You need to dig deeper than covering for the Vatican my friend. They’ve done much more damage than good for the whole world, and are still in cahoots with the Cabal, like me saying so or not. And the truth is coming soon, and the Vatican will burn for all it as an institution has done.
You really don’t understand the Vatican, the Council of Nicaea which was FACTUAL, or Constantine’s power grift and Biblical Control, or post-Constantine Roman emperors, towards the Bible and Christianity. Why was the group that created the Dead Sea Scrolls obliterated by the Romans? You need to dig deeper than covering for the Vatican my friend. They’ve done much more damage than good for the whole world, and are still in cahoots with the Cabal, like me saying so or not. And the truth is coming soon, and the Vatican will burn for all it as an institution has done.