It’s also Obvious that the Feckless Left are turning a blind eye, Realizing they are the Minority, and that Fixing and Controlling the Elections is the only way they can Protect, and Demand, the Right to throw there Deviant Lifestyles in the faces of the Good, Morally based Majority.. Narcissism 101 !!!
It’s also Obvious that the Feckless Left Realize they are the Minority, and that Fixing and Controlling the Elections is the only way they can Protect, and Demand, the Right to throw there Deviant Lifestyles in the faces of the Good, Morally based Majority.. Narcissism 101 !!!
It’s also Obvious that the Feckless Left Realize they are the Minority, and that Fixing and Controlling the Elections is the only way they can Protect, and Demand, the Right to throw there Deviant Lifestyles in the faces of the Good, Morally based Majority..