Black hats put stuff in Hollywood productions all the time. Back to the Future trilogy had all kinds of truly uncanny 9/11 & Twin Towers Easter eggs. Enemy of the State, which hints at NSA mass surveillance, the congressman who is assassinated, his intelligence file shows he was born on 9/11. As someone recently posted here, there was a TV show called The Lone Gunman and its pilot episode that was about a false flag involving flying a plane into WTC. All this was before the Twin Towers fell.
Black hats put stuff in Hollywood productions all the time. Back to the Future trilogy had all kinds of truly uncanny 9/11 & Twin Towers Easter eggs. Enemy of the State, which hints at NSA mass surveillance, the congressman who is assassinated, his intelligence file shows he was born on 9/11. As someone recently posted here, there was a TV show that was about a false flag involving flying a plane into WTC. All this was before the Twin Towers fell.