Happening in Sydney , they’re modus operandi is bike lanes instead of through traffic which kills off all the commercial, the property owners are then unable to rent then along come the developers with the bucks buying up the vacancies and paying off the local government who then permit the development of apartment blocks for their 15 min communities
Happening in Sydney , they’re modus operandi is bike lanes instead of through traffic which then kills off all the commercial, the property owners are then unable to rent then along come the developers with the bucks buying up the vacancies and paying off the local government who then permit the development of apartment blocks for their 15 min communities
Happening in Sydney , they’re modus operandi is bike lanes instead of through traffic which then kills off all the commercial, the property owners are then unable to rent then along come the developers with the bucks buying up the vacancies and paying off the local government who then permit the development of apartment blocks for their 15 min communities