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Reason: None provided.

Five hours ago, Elon Musk created a poll on Twitter. The poll says, ambiguously, Reinstate former President Trump Interesting choice of words? Subtle meanings? Let's apply some anonysense here.

Timeline - A Very Rough Overview of Some Data Points Worth Considering

February 2022

Truth Social boots up. q > Q account is revealed, Kash Patel shows he's hanging out with Q. "Oh, we're just having fun and you know, trolling the lamestream media".

April 2022

Musk bids for Twitter. Ruckus is created. Did such a ruckus draw MORE attention to Musks acquisition of Twitter, and twitter itself, or less?

May 2022

Folks on DJT's team start doing interviews with anon commentators, like X22, InTheMatrix, etc. Big hat tips to the anon / Q community. Increasing validation of Q.

June - October 2022

Twitter Ruckus increases. Battle. "Not gonna buy!" "No, you're gonna buy!" > Right before the Midterms: "Ok, I'll buy! You're fired!!!"

Musk acquires Twitter right before the midterms. Begins kickings buts, doing a massive clearing.

DJT Team continues 'courting' anons and anon commentators. DJT starts using wwg1wga theme song at his rallies. Begins retruthing Q-related content more and more on TS.

Recognition of Q gradually increases.

November 2022

Just prior to Midterms, DJT announces the announcement. Nov 15.

November 8, Midterms take place. DS - MAGA war intensifies. Lots of dooming.

Nov 15 (speculation) DS drops false flag to divert away from DJT "announcement", DJT only announces 2024 run, DS backpedals false flag.

Following Midterms

Musk starts ramping up Twitter clearance, triggers massive layoffs and resignations from staff.

Just before or after Nov 15 (cannot verify as no access to TS, and qagg isn't helping), DJT re-truths recent Q drop "End the Endless"

Corrupt DOJ announces special counsel in to 'criminal activities' allegedly related to DJT. DJT declares he will NOT cooperate.

Seems like things are really heating up.

November 18, Musk posts poll "Reinstate former President Trump"

Are We On Track? How Can We Know?

If you consider even the very sparse collection of data points, it should be obvious that something is going on, and that things are habbening.

For me, however, I consider our recent (and possibly ongoing) wave of doomerism is another signal that things are heating up.

I wrote about my own personal experience of this here

All the doomering we just went through - in my view, this is a VERY clear sign that the spiritual war is intensifying, and that we have just passed through a significant, major milestone. That doomering isn't merely psychological. It's also spiritual. Anyone who has experienced spiritual attack knows that a toxic mix of despair, fear, anxiety mixed with lies or visions of doom are a staple weapon of the satanic realms. Purpose? To demoralize, to destroy.

In information warfare, the material aspect of information / propaganda etc, it used to facilitate such emotional experiences, reactions, shaping behavior that is destructive.

Example: 2020-2021 Covid19 Psyop

Look at what was done to our entire populations with covid19 - but pedes should remember/realize that this sort of spiritual attack happens from the spiritual dimensions all the time.

People of faith should especially understand this: the devil sneaks up to you and whispers in your ear: "you're no good" "you are crap" "you are going to fail" God doesn't even love you" "your family doesn't love you" etc etc.

So how does the devil sneak up to the ears of a group? A community? A people? A population? What impact would it have? Answer: doomerism. In the advanced stages, this becomes mass formation psychosis.

The Great Awakening is a war that is being waged in all dimensions: material, financial, economic, institutional, psychological, emotional, intellectual, spiritual.

So with that recent INTENSE wave of Doomerism, do you think we are we on track, or what? I do. Over the target. The devil will hit you all the harder when you are over the target.

The Tweet, The Poll, The Concept, The Idea

And right now, Elon the Musk posts a tweet "Reinstate former President Trump"

Coincidence? Timing?

Technically, this is a statement, not a question. If it was a question, it would include a question mark (?).

"Reinstate former President Trump?"

If you know anything about hypnosis or NLP-like techniques, you can recognize the built-in ambiguity here, and ambiguity is a powerful tool for precipitating trance-like mental states. It does things to the mind. It opens doors, and pathways, and shuts down others.

On a conscious level, most people reading this, seeing this poll context, would go "oh, it's a poll about bringing DJT back to twitter". Which is what most people are responding to.

Some recognize, however, that in fact the text itself is ambiguous. That ambiguity works on several levels.

  • One, is this (really) about Twitter or is this actually about the White House (Presidency)?

Textually, ambiguous. The poll does NOT say what the reinstatement is to. People assume it's twitter, but is it? Ambiguous.

  • On another level, more deeply, the ambiguity revolves around "is this a question, or is this a statement?"

If it's a question, then ostensibly, yes, its a poll. But imagine if Musk just Tweeted this without the poll? What would it be saying?

It would be saying: "Reinstate former President Trump"

As in: Hey, United States! Reinstate former President Trump!!!

So which is it? We don't know! It's ambiguous.

But at the least, we can recognize here one aspect of psychological operations work: even if people do not consciously realize it, on an unconscious level, the idea of, the very concept of, "reinstating Former President Donald Trump" somehow has now been imbedded in the thought processes of the audiences of this tweet. That's because an idea, once introduced, will often stay there until it is processed, removed, developed.

Example: Politician A debating another politician B

Politician A asks the question to his opponent, Politician B: "When did you stop beating your wife?" An objection is raised, the question is withdrawn. But now, the concept, the idea of politician B beating his wife has been embedded in the psyche of the audience. It is there, as a seed, which potentially over time can germinate and grow. In the unconscious.

In my view, this is also how the Awakening happens. Long before an anon wakes up, God and the heavenly spiritual agents are implanting ideas in the minds of people, that over time germinate and grow until they break through the surface of the mind and emerge in the conscious realm.

The Matrix film illustrates this process when Morpheus says to Neo

“What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”

So the idea of 'reinstating DJT' is now, on some level, either deliberately or accidentally (kek) being embedded into the thought processes of the twitter community and others around them. (Musk's tweet will generating waves of attention outside of Twitter as well. Just do a google search for the word "reinstate" and scroll down.

What's Going On Here?

Now, Musk is no dummy, right? According to reports/rumors, Musk is a highly functioning autist (on some level), right? If so, Musk HAS to be aware that his phrasing is ambiguous. If he is an autist, a thinking person, or a genius, he will have to be aware of this. To me, that implies that the choices are deliberate. How to further consider this?

It seems to me that in the context of everything that is going on over the last several months, and where we are today, there is a very real possibility that Musk is actually introducing the idea, the concept, of the reinstatement of Donald Trump to the presidency. He's doing it in a psyop type manner, creating a poll that is directly (and in my view, deliberately) embedding the language and the concept in the public square.

I mean, why else did Musk use that particular language? And what does "reinstate" actually mean?

reinstate /riːɪnˈsteɪt/ restore (someone or something) to their former position or state.

Why didn't Musk write something like:

Restore Former President Trump?

Unban Former President Trump?

Remove Ban From Former President Trump?


It's an interesting choice of words.

Ok, let's devil's avocado for a minute.

Maybe this is merely a coincidence. Maybe Musk being the largest US gov contractor, Musk cozying up to Babylon Bee (Christian, conservative fun site), Musk acquiring Central DARPA CLOWN voice piece Twitter and flipping it on its head, the Storm intensifying for ALL - stakes getting higher, precipice looming, people and anons dooming, DJT doing a head fake throwing DOJ (and everyone else) off guard, triggering the DOJ to install a SC (he knew this was coming), and then Musk Tweeting the phrase "REINSTATE Former President Trump" are all just coincidences.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that devolution theory and anons have been hyper focused on "reinstating DJT" for the past 2 years and at this juncture, Musk posts for the entire twitterverse "reinstate".

Even IF it is a coincidence, heheh, it STILL embeds the idea of a Trump reinstatement. So, if Musk did this consciously, or unconsciously, it still serves the Plan as understood by Devolution Theory in a big way.

Even IF it is a coincidence, it still functions as a marker for increased interaction between the awake anon thinking world and the normie thinking world. That interaction has been advancing more and more and more. Covid19 put the Great Awakening into a massive launch. The Collapse of Covid19 did it even more. The Lamestream Media has been unable to stop it, and Streisand Effect, only increased it, even as they attempt to 'debunk' and delegitimize Q.

So, no date fagging here. All I am saying is, that in the context of well, everything, this little tweet by musk seems kinda well, interedasting. Interdasting indeed.

But, we'll have to wait and see. I mean, future proves past, right?

Either way, it seems to me like things are getting very spicy. So: ratchet up the memes, pedes. We go work to do!!!! Steady as she goes! WWG1WGA!


"Patriots in trusted positions. Trust yourself. You have seen the truth. Time to show the world."


On the issue of the head fake, Praying Medic on Telegram writes this:

Let's analyze it logically:

Since Trump told us in advance the 2020 election would be stolen and it was, it logically follows that if he plans to return to the White House, it will be by a path other than another rigged election. Trump has no faith in that system.

But if he plans to make a surprise return, would you expect him (and his surrogates) to openly signal their plan to everyone?
Or would it be wiser to make everyone (including the deep state) think his path back to the White House will  be another hard-fought, rigged election?

We're not going to get any clear, obvious statements from Trump or people close to him about the real plan to return. 

We will however, get subtle confirmations through memes being re-truthed.

1 year ago
6 score
Reason: None provided.

Five hours ago, Elon Musk created a poll on Twitter. The poll says, ambiguously, Reinstate former President Trump Interesting choice of words? Subtle meanings? Let's apply some anonysense here.

Timeline - A Very Rough Overview of Some Data Points Worth Considering

February 2022

Truth Social boots up. q > Q account is revealed, Kash Patel shows he's hanging out with Q. "Oh, we're just having fun and you know, trolling the lamestream media".

April 2022

Musk bids for Twitter. Ruckus is created. Did such a ruckus draw MORE attention to Musks acquisition of Twitter, and twitter itself, or less?

May 2022

Folks on DJT's team start doing interviews with anon commentators, like X22, InTheMatrix, etc. Big hat tips to the anon / Q community. Increasing validation of Q.

June - October 2022

Twitter Ruckus increases. Battle. "Not gonna buy!" "No, you're gonna buy!" > Right before the Midterms: "Ok, I'll buy! You're fired!!!"

Musk acquires Twitter right before the midterms. Begins kickings buts, doing a massive clearing.

DJT Team continues 'courting' anons and anon commentators. DJT starts using wwg1wga theme song at his rallies. Begins retruthing Q-related content more and more on TS.

Recognition of Q gradually increases.

November 2022

Just prior to Midterms, DJT announces the announcement. Nov 15.

November 8, Midterms take place. DS - MAGA war intensifies. Lots of dooming.

Nov 15 (speculation) DS drops false flag to divert away from DJT "announcement", DJT only announces 2024 run, DS backpedals false flag.

Following Midterms

Musk starts ramping up Twitter clearance, triggers massive layoffs and resignations from staff.

Just before or after Nov 15 (cannot verify as no access to TS, and qagg isn't helping), DJT re-truths recent Q drop "End the Endless"

Corrupt DOJ announces special counsel in to 'criminal activities' allegedly related to DJT. DJT declares he will NOT cooperate.

Seems like things are really heating up.

November 18, Musk posts poll "Reinstate former President Trump"

Are We On Track? How Can We Know?

If you consider even the very sparse collection of data points, it should be obvious that something is going on, and that things are habbening.

For me, however, I consider our recent (and possibly ongoing) wave of doomerism is another signal that things are heating up.

I wrote about my own personal experience of this here

All the doomering we just went through - in my view, this is a VERY clear sign that the spiritual war is intensifying, and that we have just passed through a significant, major milestone. That doomering isn't merely psychological. It's also spiritual. Anyone who has experienced spiritual attack knows that a toxic mix of despair, fear, anxiety mixed with lies or visions of doom are a staple weapon of the satanic realms. Purpose? To demoralize, to destroy.

In information warfare, the material aspect of information / propaganda etc, it used to facilitate such emotional experiences, reactions, shaping behavior that is destructive.

Example: 2020-2021 Covid19 Psyop

Look at what was done to our entire populations with covid19 - but pedes should remember/realize that this sort of spiritual attack happens from the spiritual dimensions all the time.

People of faith should especially understand this: the devil sneaks up to you and whispers in your ear: "you're no good" "you are crap" "you are going to fail" God doesn't even love you" "your family doesn't love you" etc etc.

So how does the devil sneak up to the ears of a group? A community? A people? A population? What impact would it have? Answer: doomerism. In the advanced stages, this becomes mass formation psychosis.

The Great Awakening is a war that is being waged in all dimensions: material, financial, economic, institutional, psychological, emotional, intellectual, spiritual.

So with that recent INTENSE wave of Doomerism, do you think we are we on track, or what? I do. Over the target. The devil will hit you all the harder when you are over the target.

The Tweet, The Poll, The Concept, The Idea

And right now, Elon the Musk posts a tweet "Reinstate former President Trump"

Coincidence? Timing?

Technically, this is a statement, not a question. If it was a question, it would include a question mark (?).

"Reinstate former President Trump?"

If you know anything about hypnosis or NLP-like techniques, you can recognize the built-in ambiguity here, and ambiguity is a powerful tool for precipitating trance-like mental states. It does things to the mind. It opens doors, and pathways, and shuts down others.

On a conscious level, most people reading this, seeing this poll context, would go "oh, it's a poll about bringing DJT back to twitter". Which is what most people are responding to.

Some recognize, however, that in fact the text itself is ambiguous. That ambiguity works on several levels.

  • One, is this (really) about Twitter or is this actually about the White House (Presidency)?

Textually, ambiguous. The poll does NOT say what the reinstatement is to. People assume it's twitter, but is it? Ambiguous.

  • On another level, more deeply, the ambiguity revolves around "is this a question, or is this a statement?"

If it's a question, then ostensibly, yes, its a poll. But imagine if Musk just Tweeted this without the poll? What would it be saying?

It would be saying: "Reinstate former President Trump"

As in: Hey, United States! Reinstate former President Trump!!!

So which is it? We don't know! It's ambiguous.

But at the least, we can recognize here one aspect of psychological operations work: even if people do not consciously realize it, on an unconscious level, the idea of, the very concept of, "reinstating Former President Donald Trump" somehow has now been imbedded in the thought processes of the audiences of this tweet. That's because an idea, once introduced, will often stay there until it is processed, removed, developed.

Example: Politician A debating another politician B

Politician A asks the question to his opponent, Politician B: "When did you stop beating your wife?" An objection is raised, the question is withdrawn. But now, the concept, the idea of politician B beating his wife has been embedded in the psyche of the audience. It is there, as a seed, which potentially over time can germinate and grow. In the unconscious.

In my view, this is also how the Awakening happens. Long before an anon wakes up, God and the heavenly spiritual agents are implanting ideas in the minds of people, that over time germinate and grow until they break through the surface of the mind and emerge in the conscious realm.

The Matrix film illustrates this process when Morpheus says to Neo

“What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”

So the idea of 'reinstating DJT' is now, on some level, either deliberately or accidentally (kek) being embedded into the thought processes of the twitter community and others around them. (Musk's tweet will generating waves of attention outside of Twitter as well. Just do a google search for the word "reinstate" and scroll down.

What's Going On Here?

Now, Musk is no dummy, right? According to reports/rumors, Musk is a highly functioning autist (on some level), right? If so, Musk HAS to be aware that his phrasing is ambiguous. If he is an autist, a thinking person, or a genius, he will have to be aware of this. To me, that implies that the choices are deliberate. How to further consider this?

It seems to me that in the context of everything that is going on over the last several months, and where we are today, there is a very real possibility that Musk is actually introducing the idea, the concept, of the reinstatement of Donald Trump to the presidency. He's doing it in a psyop type manner, creating a poll that is directly (and in my view, deliberately) embedding the language and the concept in the public square.

I mean, why else did Musk use that particular language? And what does "reinstate" actually mean?

reinstate /riːɪnˈsteɪt/ restore (someone or something) to their former position or state.

Why didn't Musk write something like:

Restore Former President Trump?

Unban Former President Trump?

Remove Ban From Former President Trump?


It's an interesting choice of words.

Ok, let's devil's avocado for a minute.

Maybe this is merely a coincidence. Maybe Musk being the largest US gov contractor, Musk cozying up to Babylon Bee (Christian, conservative fun site), Musk acquiring Central DARPA CLOWN voice piece Twitter and flipping it on its head, the Storm intensifying for ALL - stakes getting higher, precipice looming, people and anons dooming, DJT doing a head fake throwing DOJ (and everyone else) off guard, triggering the DOJ to install a SC (he knew this was coming), and then Musk Tweeting the phrase "REINSTATE Former President Trump" are all just coincidences.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that devolution theory and anons have been hyper focused on "reinstating DJT" for the past 2 years and at this juncture, Musk posts for the entire twitterverse "reinstate".

Even IF it is a coincidence, heheh, it STILL embeds the idea of a Trump reinstatement. So, if Musk did this consciously, or unconsciously, it still serves the Plan as understood by Devolution Theory in a big way.

Even IF it is a coincidence, it still functions as a marker for increased interaction between the awake anon thinking world and the normie thinking world. That interaction has been advancing more and more and more. Covid19 put the Great Awakening into a massive launch. The Collapse of Covid19 did it even more. The Lamestream Media has been unable to stop it, and Streisand Effect, only increased it, even as they attempt to 'debunk' and delegitimize Q.

So, no date fagging here. All I am saying is, that in the context of well, everything, this little tweet by musk seems kinda well, interedasting. Interdasting indeed.

But, we'll have to wait and see. I mean, future proves past, right?

Either way, it seems to me like things are getting very spicy. So: ratchet up the memes, pedes. We go work to do!!!! Steady as she goes! WWG1WGA!


"Patriots in trusted positions. Trust yourself. You have seen the truth. Time to show the world."


On the issue of the head fake, Praying Medic writes this (and I think this makes a LOT of logical sense):

Let's analyze it logically:

Since Trump told us in advance the 2020 election would be stolen and it was, it logically follows that if he plans to return to the White House, it will be by a path other than another rigged election. Trump has no faith in that system.

But if he plans to make a surprise return, would you expect him (and his surrogates) to openly signal their plan to everyone?
Or would it be wiser to make everyone (including the deep state) think his path back to the White House will  be another hard-fought, rigged election?

We're not going to get any clear, obvious statements from Trump or people close to him about the real plan to return. 

We will however, get subtle confirmations through memes being re-truthed.


1 year ago
6 score
Reason: Original

Five hours ago, Elon Musk created a poll on Twitter. The poll says, ambiguously, Reinstate former President Trump Interesting choice of words? Subtle meanings? Let's apply some anonysense here.

Timeline - A Very Rough Overview of Some Data Points Worth Considering

February 2022

Truth Social boots up. q > Q account is revealed, Kash Patel shows he's hanging out with Q. "Oh, we're just having fun and you know, trolling the lamestream media".

April 2022

Musk bids for Twitter. Ruckus is created. Did such a ruckus draw MORE attention to Musks acquisition of Twitter, and twitter itself, or less?

May 2022

Folks on DJT's team start doing interviews with anon commentators, like X22, InTheMatrix, etc. Big hat tips to the anon / Q community. Increasing validation of Q.

June - October 2022

Twitter Ruckus increases. Battle. "Not gonna buy!" "No, you're gonna buy!" > Right before the Midterms: "Ok, I'll buy! You're fired!!!"

Musk acquires Twitter right before the midterms. Begins kickings buts, doing a massive clearing.

DJT Team continues 'courting' anons and anon commentators. DJT starts using wwg1wga theme song at his rallies. Begins retruthing Q-related content more and more on TS.

Recognition of Q gradually increases.

November 2022

Just prior to Midterms, DJT announces the announcement. Nov 15.

November 8, Midterms take place. DS - MAGA war intensifies. Lots of dooming.

Nov 15 (speculation) DS drops false flag to divert away from DJT "announcement", DJT only announces 2024 run, DS backpedals false flag.

Following Midterms

Musk starts ramping up Twitter clearance, triggers massive layoffs and resignations from staff.

Just before or after Nov 15 (cannot verify as no access to TS, and qagg isn't helping), DJT re-truths recent Q drop "End the Endless"

Corrupt DOJ announces special counsel in to 'criminal activities' allegedly related to DJT. DJT declares he will NOT cooperate.

Seems like things are really heating up.

November 18, Musk posts poll "Reinstate former President Trump"

Are We On Track? How Can We Know?

If you consider even the very sparse collection of data points, it should be obvious that something is going on, and that things are habbening.

For me, however, I consider our recent (and possibly ongoing) wave of doomerism is another signal that things are heating up.

I wrote about my own personal experience of this here:.

All the doomering we just went through - in my view, this is a VERY clear sign that the spiritual war is intensifying, and that we have just passed through a significant, major milestone. That doomering isn't merely psychological. It's also spiritual. Anyone who has experienced spiritual attack knows that a toxic mix of despair, fear, anxiety mixed with lies or visions of doom are a staple weapon of the satanic realms. Purpose? To demoralize, to destroy.

In information warfare, the material aspect of information / propaganda etc, it used to facilitate such emotional experiences, reactions, shaping behavior that is destructive.

Example: 2020-2021 Covid19 Psyop

Look at what was done to our entire populations with covid19 - but pedes should remember/realize that this sort of spiritual attack happens from the spiritual dimensions all the time.

People of faith should especially understand this: the devil sneaks up to you and whispers in your ear: "you're no good" "you are crap" "you are going to fail" God doesn't even love you" "your family doesn't love you" etc etc.

So how does the devil sneak up to the ears of a group? A community? A people? A population? What impact would it have? Answer: doomerism. In the advanced stages, this becomes mass formation psychosis.

The Great Awakening is a war that is being waged in all dimensions: material, financial, economic, institutional, psychological, emotional, intellectual, spiritual.)

So with that recent INTENSE wave of Doomerism, do you think we are we on track, or what? I do. Over the target. The devil will hit you all the harder when you are over the target.

The Tweet, The Poll, The Concept, The Idea

And right now, Elon the Musk posts a tweet "Reinstate former President Trump"

Coincidence? Timing?

Technically, this is a statement, not a question. If it was a question, it would include a question mark (?).

"Reinstate former President Trump?"

If you know anything about hypnosis or NLP-like techniques, you can recognize the built-in ambiguity here, and ambiguity is a powerful tool for precipitating trance-like mental states. It does things to the mind. It opens doors, and pathways, and shuts down others.

On a conscious level, most people reading this, seeing this poll context, would go "oh, it's a poll about bringing DJT back to twitter". Which is what most people are responding to.

Some recognize, however, that in fact the text itself is ambiguous. That ambiguity works on several levels.

  • One, is this (really) about Twitter or is this actually about the White House (Presidency)?

Textually, ambiguous. The poll does NOT say what the reinstatement is to. People assume it's twitter, but is it? Ambiguous.

  • On another level, more deeply, the ambiguity revolves around "is this a question, or is this a statement?"

If it's a question, then ostensibly, yes, its a poll. But imagine if Musk just Tweeted this without the poll? What would it be saying?

It would be saying: "Reinstate former President Trump"

As in: Hey, United States! Reinstate former President Trump!!!

So which is it? We don't know! It's ambiguous.

But at the least, we can recognize here one aspect of psychological operations work: even if people do not consciously realize it, on an unconscious level, the idea of, the very concept of, "reinstating Former President Donald Trump" somehow has now been imbedded in the thought processes of the audiences of this tweet. That's because an idea, once introduced, will often stay there until it is processed, removed, developed.

Example: Politician A debating another politician B

Politician A asks the question to his opponent, Politician B: "When did you stop beating your wife?" An objection is raised, the question is withdrawn. But now, the concept, the idea of politician B beating his wife has been embedded in the psyche of the audience. It is there, as a seed, which potentially over time can germinate and grow. In the unconscious.

In my view, this is also how the Awakening happens. Long before an anon wakes up, God and the heavenly spiritual agents are implanting ideas in the minds of people, that over time germinate and grow until they break through the surface of the mind and emerge in the conscious realm.

The Matrix film illustrates this process when Morpheus says to Neo

“What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”

So the idea of 'reinstating DJT' is now, on some level, either deliberately or accidentally (kek) being embedded into the thought processes of the twitter community and others around them. (Musk's tweet will generating waves of attention outside of Twitter as well. Just do a google search for the word "reinstate". See? Scroll down. Musk's tweet is approx the third hit.

What's Going On Here?

Now, Musk is no dummy, right? According to reports/rumors, Musk is a highly functioning autist (on some level), right? If so, Musk HAS to be aware that his phrasing is ambiguous. If he is an autist, a thinking person, or a genius, he will have to be aware of this. To me, that implies that the choices are deliberate. How to further consider this?

It seems to me that in the context of everything that is going on over the last several months, and where we are today, there is a very real possibility that Musk is actually introducing the idea, the concept, of the reinstatement of Donald Trump to the presidency. He's doing it in a psyop type manner, creating a poll that is directly (and in my view, deliberately) embedding the language and the concept in the public square.

I mean, why else did Musk use that particular language? And what does "reinstate" actually mean?

reinstate /riːɪnˈsteɪt/ restore (someone or something) to their former position or state.

Why didn't Musk write something like:

Restore Former President Trump?

Unban Former President Trump?

Remove Ban From Former President Trump?


It's an interesting choice of words.

Ok, let's devil's avocado for a minute.

Maybe this is merely a coincidence. Maybe Musk being the largest US gov contractor, Musk cozying up to Babylon Bee (Christian, conservative fun site), Musk acquiring Central DARPA CLOWN voice piece Twitter and flipping it on its head, the Storm intensifying for ALL - stakes getting higher, precipice looming, people and anons dooming, DJT doing a head fake throwing DOJ (and everyone else) off guard, triggering the DOJ to install a SC (he knew this was coming), and then Musk Tweeting the phrase "REINSTATE Former President Trump" are all just coincidences.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that devolution theory and anons have been hyper focused on "reinstating DJT" for the past 2 years and at this juncture, Musk posts for the entire twitterverse "reinstate".

Even IF it is a coincidence, heheh, it STILL embeds the idea of a Trump reinstatement. So, if Musk did this consciously, or unconsciously, it still serves the Plan as understood by Devolution Theory in a big way.

Even IF it is a coincidence, it still functions as a marker for increased interaction between the awake anon thinking world and the normie thinking world. That interaction has been advancing more and more and more. Covid19 put the Great Awakening into a massive launch. The Collapse of Covid19 did it even more. The Lamestream Media has been unable to stop it, and Streisand Effect, only increased it, even as they attempt to 'debunk' and delegitimize Q.

So, no date fagging here. All I am saying is, that in the context of well, everything, this little tweet by musk seems kinda well, interedasting. Interdasting indeed.

But, we'll have to wait and see. I mean, future proves past, right?

Either way, it seems to me like things are getting very spicy. So: ratchet up the memes, pedes. We go work to do!!!! Steady as she goes! WWG1WGA!


"Patriots in trusted positions. Trust yourself. You have seen the truth. Time to show the world."


On the issue of the head fake, Praying Medic writes this (and I think this makes a LOT of logical sense):

Let's analyze it logically:

Since Trump told us in advance the 2020 election would be stolen and it was, it logically follows that if he plans to return to the White House, it will be by a path other than another rigged election. Trump has no faith in that system.

But if he plans to make a surprise return, would you expect him (and his surrogates) to openly signal their plan to everyone?

Or would it be wiser to make everyone (including the deep state) think his path back to the White House will  be another hard-fought, rigged election?

We're not going to get any clear, obvious statements from Trump or people close to him about the real plan to return. 

We will however, get subtle confirmations through memes being re-truthed.


1 year ago
1 score