Far-Right Pedophila Panic
Meaning the Left (notice, they're never called "far") is totally OK with pedophilia;
and for left-wing extremists, pedophilia is normal and fun, so anyone against it is just in a "panic" (a disorganized mental state of confusion, sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wild, unthinking behavior; we're CLINICALLY INSANE because we disapprove of raping infants and children);
and being against pedophilia is the province solely of the Right—that's the group that is not in favor of the torture and rape of children.
Sounds accurate. We're not so far-right; we're right so far.
Far-Right Pedophila Panic
Meaning the Left (notice, they're never called "far") is totally OK with pedophilia;
and for left-wing extremists, pedophilia is normal and fun, so anyone against it is just in a "panic" (a disorganized mental state of confusion, sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wild, unthinking behavior; we're CLINICALLY INSANE because we disapprove of raping infants and children);
and being against pedophilia is only the province of the Right—that's the group that is not in favor of the torture and rape of children.
Sounds accurate. We're not so far-right; we're right so far.
Far-Right Pedophila Panic
Meaning the Left (notice, they're never called "far") is totally OK with pedophilia;
and pedophilia is normal and fun, so anyone against it is just in a "panic" (a disorganized mental state of confusion, sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wild, unthinking behavior; we're CLINICALLY INSANE because we disapprove of raping infants and children);
and being against pedophilia is only the province of the Right—that's the group that is not in favor of the torture and rape of children.