I plan on being empathic towards family and friends who are having a hard time gripping with the rude wake up call they receive. I plan to guide them through it and keep them calm. To assure them that it’s okay to be wrong, we all wake up and different points, and that everything is going to be okay. That they have faith, stay vigilant and focus on staying positive in the dark times ahead.
As for the people actually involved in this pedo cabal, and the people that have wished death upon us(and even called for it), for following Q, speaking out about the vax, believing in God, wanting to save the children etc…good riddance to them all.
That’s just where I’m at personally. Is it wrong or right? I really don’t know. All that I do know is that I am and will always be a sheepdog. My purpose is to protect the innocent, not the wolves. If the wolves decide to take the easy way out, that’s not my problem.
I plan on being empathic towards family and friends who are having a hard time gripping with the rude wake up call they receive. I plan to guide them through it and keep them calm. To assure them that it’s okay to be wrong, we all wake up and different points, and that everything is going to be okay. That they have faith, stay vigilant and focus on staying positive in the dark times ahead.
As for the people actually involved in this pedo cabal, and the people that have wished death upon us and even called for it for following Q, speaking out about the vax, believing in God, wanting to save the children etc…good riddance to them all.
That’s just where I’m at personally. Is it wrong or right? I really don’t know. All that I do know is that I am and will always be a sheepdog. My purpose is to protect the innocent, not the wolves. If the wolves decide to take the easy way out, that’s not my problem.