I looked into that. As far as I can find, it's a statement that is simply untrue, likely put out by an agent of controlled opposition. The problem is in misunderstanding what the FRB is, and what the Fed is. The FRB is not the Fed, and has almost nothing to do with it. It is an advisory board only (with one minor, but unexploitable exception in the FOMC which isn't worth getting into).
The one and only legal way to "end the Fed" is to simply stop doing business with it. That or go to war with it. The fundamental problem that people don't seem to appreciate is, the Fed is, legally speaking, a sovereign entity (like a city-state).
I looked into that. As far as I can find, it's a statement that is simply untrue, likely put out by an agent of controlled opposition. The problem is in misunderstanding what the FRB is, and what the Fed is. The FRB is not the Fed, and has almost nothing to do with it. It is an advisory board only (with one minor, but unexploitable exception in the FOMC which isn't worth getting into).
The one and only legal way to "end the Fed" is to simply stop doing business with it. That or go to war with it. The fundamental problem that people don't seem to appreciate the Fed is, legally speaking, a sovereign entity (like a city-state).