Curse this unforeseen turn of events...
Hey, I know, lets really stick it to China and burn up a couple hundred million dollars of precision weapons that are in short supply and put some more holes in the desert! And if our policy is going to be kick the beehive lets give Taiwan a fully loaded nuclear missile submarine. 20*12 nuclear warheads of 475 kilotons each should make it such that there is zero scenario where invading Taiwan is worth the losses.
Curse this unforeseen turn of events...
Hey, I know, lets really stick it to China and burn up a couple hundred million dollars of precision weapons that are in short supply and put some more holes in the desert! And if our policy is going to be kick the beehive lets give Taiwan a fully loaded nuclear missile submarine. 20*12 475 kiloton nuclear weapons should make it such that there is zero scenario where invading Taiwan is worth the losses.
Curse this unforeseen turn of events... Hey, I know, lets really stick it to China and burn up a couple hundred million dollars of precision weapons that are in short supply and put some more holes in the desert!