Because the cabal has been tying the fabric of our society and the minds of the people into one massive complex knot for over 100 years. That knot is being meticulously unravelled and that takes time to do without breaking the string, and destroying the structure of the string.
The biggest hurdle is the people, and the general fragility of the human psyche. We have ALL been formed and manipulated by depraved evil propaganda from the time we were born. Some of us realized it on our own and started to do the work to reverse the conditioning and brainwashing we have been exposed to. It breaks some of us and it makes most of us stronger in the end. We all have our own journey but it has taken most of us many years of red pills, black pills, sleepless thoughtful nights,coping and personal growth to get to where we are right now. Most have not been on this journey with us and for everything we've learned to be dumped on them in one shot would simply be too much. The truth would send most people to the hospital.
Hence the 8 year global awakening movie we are witnessing. 8 years to expose to the entire world a system that has taken centuries to perfect? Not bad if you ask me. The suffering has been great, but nothing compared to what they had planned for us with their Agenda 2030 plan.
What amazes me is that there's still about 30% or the population that seems to be hopelessly lost forever. The good news is they bindly follow the news and any talking heads, so once we have an honest accountable media and government, the sheep will just step in line with the truth eventually.
What a time to be alive.
Because the cabal has been tying the fabric of our society and the minds of the people into one massive complex knot for over 100 years. That knot is being meticulously unravelled and that takes time to do without breaking the string, and destroying the structure of the string.
The biggest hurdle is the people, and the general fragility of the human psyche. We have ALL been formed and manipulated by depraved evil propaganda from the time we were born. Some of us realized it on our own and started to do the work to reverse the conditioning and brainwashing we have been exposed to. It breaks some of us and it makes most of us stronger in the end. We all have our own journey but it has taken most of us many years of red pills, black pills, sleepless thoughtful nights,coping and personal growth to get to where we are right now. Most have not been on this journey with us and for everything we've learned to be dumped on them in one shot would simply be too much. The truth would send most people to the hospital.
Hence the 8 year global awakening movie we are witnessing. 8 years to expose to the entire world a system that has taken centuries to perfect? Not bad of you ask me. The suffering has been great, but nothing compared to what they had planned for us with their Agenda 2030 plan.
What amazes me is that there's still about 30% or the population that seems to be hopelessly lost forever. The good news is they bindly follow the news and any talking heads, so once we have an honest accountable media and government, the sheep will just step in line with the truth eventually.
What a time to be alive.
Because the cabal has been tying the fabric of our society and the minds of the people into one massive complex knot for over 100 years. That knot is being meticulously unravelled and that takes time to do without breaking the string, and destroying the structure of the string.
The biggest hurdle is the people, and the general fragility of the human psyche. We have ALL been formed and manipulated by depraved evil propaganda from the time we were born. Some of us realized it on our own and started to do the work to reverse the conditioning and brainwashing we have been exposed to. It breaks some of us and it makes most of us stronger in the end. We all have our own journey but it has taken most of us many years of red pills, black pills, sleepless thoughful nights,coping and personal growth to get to where we are right now. Most have not been on this journey with us and for everything we've learned to be dumped on them in one shot would simply be too much. The truth would send most people to the hospital.
Hence the 8 year global awakening movie we are witnessing. 8 years to expose to the entire world a system that has taken centuries to perfect? Not bad of you ask me. The suffering has been great, but nothing compared to what they had planned for us with their Agenda 2030 plan.
What amazes me is that there's still about 30% or the population that seems to be hopelessly lost forever. The good news is they bindly follow the news and any talking heads, so once we have an honest accountable media and government, the sheep will just step in line with the truth eventually.
What a time to be alive.