Sorry but this is the logical fallacy of Argument by Demanding Impossible Perfection (Unfalsifiable Claims), and I am not going to play your stupid games. And I will continue to downvote you, so there is no ambiguity. No matter what evidence is presented you will demand more, making your claims unfalsifiable.
Sorry but this is the logical fallacy of Argument by Demanding Impossible Perfection (Unfalsifiable Claims), and I am not going to play your stupid games. And I will continue to downvote you, so there is no ambiguity. No matter what evidence is presented you will demand more, making your claims unfalsifiable.
Sorry but this is the logical fallacy of Argument by Demanding Impossible Perfection (Unfalsafiable Claims), and I am not going to play your stupid games. And I will continue to downvote you, so there is no ambiguity. No matter what evidence is presented you will demand more, making your claims unfalsifiable.
Sorry but this is the logical fallacy of Argument by Demanding Impossible Perfection (Unfalsafiable Claims), and I am not going to play your stupid games. And I will continue to downvote you, so there is no ambiguity.