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I pray to God that this is the beginning of the dam breaking.

A little bit of additional context here:

A good friend of mine had a rather high position in the federal government during the last two years of the Bush Sr. administration and the first 2 years of the Clinton administration until they were forced out by refusing to play the game and go along with a massive financial scheme. This friend was just a step below a cabinet position. They were second in command of a major federal department/entity.

The 2nd week after they took over their position, two members of the CIA entered her office, sat down and went over their "control file". This friend of mine is squeaky clean. A good, honest, and some would argue, boring life.

The two men expressed annoyance with my friend that they had very little in their control file and informed them that they would continue to dig.

My friend would later learn that this is the norm for any position of power in D.C. You get a visit, they present your control file and you're reminded that they know every single thing that you really, really don't want the rest of the world to know. Down the road if there are opportunities where you can be useful to them, they come calling and you simply do what you're told because you know what the consequences will be if you don't.

Now, a 2nd piece of context. If this story is indeed the dam breaking, it's important for everyone to keep this bit of info in mind. My friend was well connected (and still is) and they were privy to some horrific stories about the lengths that the CIA would go to in order to have leverage over people in positions of power.

My friend is aware of at least two circumstances where a man with a clean record (and subsequently nothing for the CIA to leverage) was abducted, hooded and moved to an unknown location. In both circumstances, the man's family was also abducted and brought out before him. Guns were held to the family's head and he was informed that he would be having sex with a child on camera or his family would be executed.

The vast majority of the people caught up in these blackmail schemes are bad people, some are downright evil. Then there is a gray area where some are just horndogs who were repeatedly invited to brownstone parties, drugged and had increasingly younger women served up to them until finally it was an underage woman that they were filmed with.

But a small percentage are good people that were put in a horrific position. There's not a good man alive who wouldn't do anything to protect their wife and children, even if doing so cost him his soul.

143 days ago
3 score
Reason: Original

I pray to God that this is the beginning of the damn breaking.

A little bit of additional context here:

A good friend of mine had a rather high position in the federal government during the last two years of the Bush Sr. administration and the first 2 years of the Clinton administration until they were forced out by refusing to play the game and go along with a massive financial scheme. This friend was just a step below a cabinet position. They were second in command of a major federal department/entity.

The 2nd week after they took over their position, two members of the CIA entered her office, sat down and went over their "control file". This friend of mine is squeaky clean. A good, honest, and some would argue, boring life.

The two men expressed annoyance with my friend that they had very little in their control file and informed them that they would continue to dig.

My friend would later learn that this is the norm for any position of power in D.C. You get a visit, they present your control file and you're reminded that they know every single thing that you really, really don't want the rest of the world to know. Down the road if there are opportunities where you can be useful to them, they come calling and you simply do what you're told because you know what the consequences will be if you don't.

Now, a 2nd piece of context. If this story is indeed the dam breaking, it's important for everyone to keep this bit of info in mind. My friend was well connected (and still is) and they were privy to some horrific stories about the lengths that the CIA would go to in order to have leverage over people in positions of power.

My friend is aware of at least two circumstances where a man with a clean record (and subsequently nothing for the CIA to leverage) was abducted, hooded and moved to an unknown location. In both circumstances, the man's family was also abducted and brought out before him. Guns were held to the family's head and he was informed that he would be having sex with a child on camera or his family would be executed.

The vast majority of the people caught up in these blackmail schemes are bad people, some are downright evil. Then there is a gray area where some are just horndogs who were repeatedly invited to brownstone parties, drugged and had increasingly younger women served up to them until finally it was an underage woman that they were filmed with.

But a small percentage are good people that were put in a horrific position. There's not a good man alive who wouldn't do anything to protect their wife and children, even if doing so cost him his soul.

143 days ago
1 score