^ BTW ...
The reason the "virus" was invented in the first place is because Pasteur and his cohorts bought into the "Germ Theory" more than 150 years ago.
They found bacteria in fluid samples of sick people, and concluded that the bacteria caused the illness.
It never occured to them that the bacteria were there to clean up AFTER the damage was done -- even though some of his contemporaries offered such theores.
Pasteur was a liar and he rigged his experiments to get the results he wanted.
When researchers found some sick people with no bacteria, they concluded that there MUST be something in there that caused the illness (cuz ... muh Germ Theory), and so they MADE UP a fantasy that they called "virus," which was latin for poison.
THAT was the entire basis for the claim of virus.
In the 150 years since, NOBODY has EVER isolated a single virus.
NOBODY has EVER proven illness from a virus.
NOBODY has EVER proven transmission of a virus to make others sick.
That's because Germ Theory is a fraud.
Germs (that make people sick) do not exist.
But they DO make Big Pharma ... WEALTHY.
^ BTW ...
The reason the "virus" was invented in the first place is because Pasteur and his cohorts bought into the "Germ Theory" more than 150 years ago.
They found bacteria in fluid samples of sick people, and concluded that the bacteria caused the illness.
It never occured to them that the bacteria were there to clean up AFTER the damage was done -- even though some of his contemporaries offered such theores.
Pasteur was a liar and he rigged his experiments to get the results he wanted.
When researchers found some sick people with no bacteria, they concluded that there MUST be something in there that caused the illness (cuz ... muh Germ Theory), and so they MADE UP a fantasy that they called "virus," which was latin for poison.
THAT was the entire basis for the claim of virus.
In the 150 years since, NOBODY has EVER isolated a single virus.
NOBODY has EVER proven illness from a virus.
NOBODY has EVER proven transmission of a virus to make others sick.
That's because Germ Theory is fraud.
Germs (that make people sick) do not exist.
But they DO make Big Pharma ... WEALTHY.
^ BTW ...
The reason the "virus" was invented in the first place is because Pasteur and his cohorts bought into the "Germ Theory" more than 150 years ago.
They found bacteria in fluid samples of sick people, and concluded that the bacteria caused the illness.
It never occured to them that the bacteria were there to clean up AFTER the damage was done -- even though some of his contemporaries offered such theores.
Pasteur was a liar and he rigged his experiments to get the results he wanted.
When researchers found some sick people with no bacteria, they concluded that there MUST be something in there that caused the illness (cuz ... muh Germ Theory), and so they MADE up a fantasy that they called "virus," which was latin for poison.
THAT was the entire basis for the claim of virus.
In the 150 years since, NOBODY has EVER isolated a single virus.
NOBODY has EVER proven illness from a virus.
NOBODY has EVER proven transmission of a virus to make others sick.
That's because Germ Theory is fraud.
Germs (that make people sick) do not exist.
But they DO make Big Pharma ... WEALTHY.