Every school in America needs to teach math and Aristotle Trivium.
Nothing else.
When they are old enough, they can go on their own path.
But, "CigarTsar, they will be deprived of the sciences!."
Nah, if you teach math, logic and Rhetoric?
They will have forged a path far beyond the capability of anyone on their own.
I am also a big believer of the Eric Hoffer idea of mentorship.
Eric Hoffer was Thomas Sowells mentor.
Hoffer had this idea that when kids reached puberty, they should have mentors that labored in physical fields their whole life.
Like, take a 13 year old and his or her mentor is now a 65 year old former steel worker. Let them impart their wisdom on that young mind.
I am adding a final thought.
Hoffer thought both the young and old were underutilized.
When a man hits 65 or 70 years old, is he washed up?
Hell no, he or she has 70 years of wisdom. Impart that on a young generation.
Every school in America needs to teach math and Aristotle Trivium.
Nothing else.
When they are old enough, they can go on their own path.
But, "CigarTsar, they will be deprived of the sciences!."
Nah, if you teach math, logic and Rhetoric?
They will have forged a path far beyond the capability of anyone on their own.
I am also a big believer of the Eric Hoffer idea of mentorship.
Eric Hoffer was Thomas Sowells mentor.
Hoffer had this idea that when kids reached puberty, they should have mentors that labored in physical fields their whole life.
Like, take a 13 year old and his or her mentor is now a 65 year old former steel worker. Let them impart their wisdom on that young mind.
Every school in America needs to teach math and Aristotle Trivium.
Nothing else.
When they are old enough, they can go on their own path.
But, "CigarTsar, they will be deprived of the sciences!."
Nah, if you teach math, logic and Rhetoric?
They will have forged a path fR beyond the capability of anyone on their own.
I am also a big believer of the Eric Hoffer idea of mentorship.
Eric Hoffer was Thomas Sowells mentor.
Hoffer had this idea that when kids reached puberty, they should have mentors that labored in physical fields their whole life.
Like, take a 13 year old and his or her mentor is now a 65 year old former steel worker. Let them impart their wisdom on that young mind.