Well when the ai hair started heading into 80s/90s territory, I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MOAR EIGHTIES ACTION HERO!!!" several times in all caps helped right? ...right?
heh well when the ai hair started heading into 80s/90s territory, I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MOAR NINETIES ACTION HERO!!!" several times in all caps helped right? ...right?
heh well when the ai hair started heading into 80s/90s territory, I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MOAR NINETIES ACTION HERO" several times in all caps helped right? ...right?
heh well when the ai hair started heading into 80s/90s territory, I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MORE NINETIES ACTION HERO" several times in all caps helped right? ...right?
heh well when the ai hair started heading into 80s/90s territory, I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MORE 90s ACTION HERO" several times in all caps helped right? ...right?
heh well when the ai hair started heading into 80s/90s territory, I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MORE 80s ACTION HERO" several times in all caps helped right? ...right?
heh yes well the hair started going 90s and I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MORE 80s ACTION HERO" several times in all caps helped right? ...right?
heh yes well the hair started going 90s and I must admit that behavior was encouraged.
Im sure typing "MORE 80s ACTION HERO" several times in all caps helped right...right?