Parks some troops in a country far away from US shores, (to do who-knows-what - we are not privy to that information - it was pretty hush-hush until we all found out about that ancient fort in the middle of the desert, (that Laurence of Arabia converted into a CentCom, nearly a hundred years ago). I guess the Arabs figured that those crazy, sweaty people could just go ahead and stay there - it was far away from urban centres, and anyway the hush-campaign was well-established, so many ordinary citizens had no idea.
Then, the US claim that the bombing of Syria and Iraq is an
exercise of the United States’ inherent right to self-defense'
Ok, so who said the Fort-base, and the border-tower overlooking the Jordanian border, were US SOIL?
The 'self defense' part was envisioned to protect civilians within the US borders - in case some party got it into their heads to attack said US soil.
So let's imagine a commonplace scenario: Say there is a conference of Football players talking tactics and core-values for its players, who are all locals. Some well-financed, perfumed and pampered creature comes in, and declares they 'own the place', and starts working the tables and talking loudly about how football is mysogyny personified, and that football must be banned before they give them any money to - say - help to afford a new roof (that the players themselves could afford, because they happen to have an oil-field at their disposal). And, if they do not ban football, or at least play according to a list of 'inclusive' rules (which contractually fixes the perfumed management credentials, and demands that foreigners, from the other sde of the world, should be allowed in the club). If the people in the conference do not agree, then the interlopers will get a team of pre-paid activists to start fire-bombing the club.
The Football club just got firebombed.
That is what is going on here.
Parks some troops in a country far away from US shores, (to do who-knows-what - we are not privy to that information - it was pretty hush-hush until we all found out about that ancient fort in the middle of the desert, (that Laurence of Arabia converted into a CentCom, nearly a hundred years ago). I guess the Arabs figured that those crazy, sweaty people could just go ahead and stay there - it was far away from urban centres, and anyway the hush-campaign was well-established, so many ordinary citizens had no idea.
Then, the US claim that the bombing of Syria and Iraq is an
exercise of the United States’ inherent right to self-defense'
Ok, so who said the Fort-base, and the border-tower overlooking the Jordanian border, were US SOIL?
The 'self defense' part was envisioned to protect civilians within the US borders - in case some party got it into their heads to attack said US soil.
So let's imagine a commonplace scenario: Say there is a conference of Football players talking tactics and core-values for its players, who are all locals. Some well-financed, perfumed and pampered creature comes in, and declares they 'own the place', and starts working the tables and talking loudly about how football is mysogyny personified, and that football must be banned before they give them any money to - say - help to afford a new roof. And, if they do not ban football, or at least play according to a list of 'inclusive' rules (which contractually fixes their management credentials, and demands that foreigners should be allowed in the club). If the people in the conference do not agree, then the interlopers will get a team of pre-paid activists to start fire-bombing the club.
The Football club just got firebombed.
That is what is going on here.