Is this “doctor” remaining clueless to this day as to why he has a stage IV turbo brain cancer? Get on ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin D, vitamin C infusions and melatonin STAT. You might still have a chance if you act now! I don’t want to say that we all tried to tell you the Covid shot is poison, because I do not wish the misery this shot creates on any one person or family. Anyone who had the shot needs to take steps now: 1) research your lot #, 2) research adverse reactions, 3) research how to detox post Covid shot, 4) research steps to take should you have a chance to combat those adverse effects resulting in illness, 5) trust no health professional until you have done your research.
Is this “doctor” remaining clueless to this day as to why he has a stage IV turbo brain cancer? Get on ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin D, vitamin C infusions and melatonin STAT. You might still have a chance if you act now!