Lots of good advice. I was diagnosed with corn, wheat, and soy allergies so I've had to follow a fairly strict diet. Everybody is different. I did keto and then reintroduced foods based on how I felt. I'm ok with the right fruit and vegetables but my primary source of calories is protein based. Ironically, European sourced wheat I'm totally fine with. Look into getting a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) and then he can see exactly what is affecting him. Also take probiotics since his gut microbiome is probably trashed.
Lots of good advice. I was diagnosed with corn, wheat, and soy allergies so I've had to follow a fairly strict diet. Everybody is different. I did keto and then reintroduced foods based on how I felt. I'm ok with the right fruit and vegetables but my primary source of calories is protein based. Ironically, European sourced wheat I'm totally fine with. Look into getting a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) and then he can see exactly what is effecting him. Also take probiotics since his gut microbiome is probably trashed.
Lots of good advice. I was diagnosed with corn, wheat, and soy allergies so I've had to follow a fairly strict diet. Everybody is different. I did keto and then reintroduced foods based on how I felt. I'm ok with the right fruit and vegetables but my primary source of calories is protein based. Ironically, European sourced wheat I'm totally fine with. Look into getting a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) and then he can see exactly what is effecting him. Also take probiotics since his microgut biome is probably trashed.