Edit --- just looked at some current and years-old videos (six years ago she was shaking also) then found this. Medical condition, perhaps. Sorry for the lefty link.
Got a link for us so we can view this? Maybe she's being harassed/blackmailed? That'd make most people become shaky. Like this...
Edit --- just looked at some current and years-old videos then found this. Medical condition, perhaps. Sorry for the lefty link.
Got a link for us so we can view this? Maybe she's being harassed/blackmailed? That'd make most people become shaky. Like this...
Edit --- just looked at some current and years-old videos then found this. Medical condition. Sorry for the lefty link.
Got a link for us so we can view this? Maybe she's being harassed/blackmailed? That'd make most people become shaky. Like this...
Edit --- just looked at some current and years-old videos then found this. Medical condition.
Got a link for us so we can view this? Maybe she's being harassed/blackmailed? That'd make most people become shaky.
Got a link for us so we can view this? Maybe she's being harassed/blackmailed? That'd make most people become shaky.