It sounds like he may have ADHD or some type of autism. Just to get started - if you go to Instagram and start looking into the topics, I listed above, you can get some 30 second clips that might help you understand your illness.
With that being said, I suggest accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Find a Bible believing church, read God word every day, and find a very good Womens Bible Study. Having a Womens Bible Study helps to keep you grounded in God’s word, and gives you support of other women. They’ve been a great help with me and my mental issues.
We’re living in dark Times, sometimes it’s good to take a break from a place like this. But you do sound like you could have some type of ADHD or autism. There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just different. Like many of us here. 👏👏👏
It sounds like he may have ADHD or some type of autism. Just to get started if you go to Instagram and start looking into the topics, I listed above, you can get some 32nd clips that might help you understand your illness.
With that being said, I suggest accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Find a Bible, believing church, regards, word every day, and find a very good Womens Bible Study. Having a Womens Bible Study helps to keep you grounded in God’s word, and gives you support of other women. They’ve been a great help with me and my mental issues.
We’re living in dark Times, sometimes it’s good to take a break from a place like this. But you do sound like you could have some type of ADHD or autism. There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just different. Like many of us here. 👏👏👏