Absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever. Correct spelling and grammar is very important, and that's coming from someone he has corrected several times.
u/Greekish is a smart guy, and correct grammar is his thing. He certainly doesnt troll comments. Listen to him and you might accidentally learn something.
And you never should put spaces before commas. Ever.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever. Correct spelling and grammar is very important, and that's coming from someone he has corrected several times.
u/Greekish is a smart guy. And correct grammar is his thing. Listen to him and you might accidentally learn something.
And you never should put spaces before commas. Ever.
Correct spelling and grammar is very important.
u/Greekish is one smart dude. And that's coming from someone he has corrected several times.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever. You might even learn something.
You never should put spaces before commas.