Go back 100 years and tell people you have this idea for a great new city where no one will have to walk or ride a horse. And instead of talking to each other they will ride by themselves in a car for 2 hours each day. If they want groceries they'll have to drive and buy preserved stuff shipped from halfway across the world. If they want exercise they'll drive to another spot.
I don't really like this Tempe development but it's worth thinking about what we currently have and are so eager to defend.
Go back 100 years and tell people you have this idea for a great new city where no one will have to walk or ride a horse. And instead of talking to each other they will ride by themselves in a car for 2 hours each day. If they want groceries they'll have to drive and buy preserved stuff shipped from halfway across the world. If they want exercise they'll drive to another spot.
I don't really like this development but it's worth thinking about what we currently have and are so eager to defend.