This not red vs blue. This is not left vs right. This is not gay vs straight. This is not white hats vs black hats (although this is a piece). This is truly good vs evil world wide. Trump, whitehats and us is the American verson of what is happening world wide. Good vs evil is won EVERY TIME BY GOD. THEREIN LIES YOUR PEACE AND JOY. Turn this over to Him and give Him this yolk, and we take up His.
This not red vs blue. This is not left vs right. This is not gay vs straight. This is not white hats vs black hats (although this is a piece). This is truly good vs evil world wide. Trump, whitehats and us is the American verson of what is happening world wide. Good vs evil is won EVERY TIME BY GOD. THEREIN LIWS YOUR PEACE AND JOY. Tuen this over to Him and give Him this yolk, and we take up His.
This not red vs blue. This is not left vs right. This is t gay vs straight. This is not white hats vs black hats (although this is a piece). This is truly good vs evil world wide. Trump, whitehats and us is the American verson of what is happening world wide. Good vs evil is won EVERY TIME BY GOD. THEREIN LIWS YOUR PEACE AND JOY. Tuen this over to Him and give Him this yolk, and we take up His.
This not red vs blue. This is not left vs right. This is t gay vs straight. This is not white hats vs black hats (although this is a piece). This is truly good vs evil world wide. Trump, whitehats and us is the American version of what is happening world wide. Good vs evil is won WVERY TIME BY GOD. THEREIN LIWS YOUR PEACE AND JOY. Tuen this over to Him and give Him this yolk, and we take up His.
This not red vs blue. This is not left vs right. This is t gay vs vs straight. This is not white hats bs blackj hats (although this is a piece). This is truly good vs evil world wide. Trump, whitehats and us is the American version of what is happening world wide. Good bs evil is won WVERY TIME BY GOD. THEREIN LIWS YOUR PEACE AND JOY.