Remember the first time you heard someone question the official 9/11 narrative how bat shit crazy they sounded? Now when you meet someone that still believes it was Bin Laden and building 7 fell thanks to a fire, they're the ones that are retarded.
So by discussion and through investigation we arrive at the truth and by dismissing directed energy (from planet earth) and calling it space lasers, pew pew pew, we are able to delay the truth coming out and just dismiss all the anomalies of the fire as people with gas cans doing selected burns. Or worse yet, climate change.
Remember the first time you heard someone question the official 9/11 narrative how bat shit crazy they sounded? Now when you meet someone that still believes it was Bin Laden and building 7 fell thanks to a fire, they're the ones that are retarded.
So by discussion and through investigation we arrive at the truth and by dismissing directed energy (from inside planet earth) and calling it space lasers, pew pew pew, we are able to delay the truth coming out and just dismiss all the anomalies of the fire as people with gas cans doing selected burns. Or worse yet, climate change.