I feel like they got a risk assessment, and steps to mitigate risks, along with the proposed plan for Dam removal. Painstakingly prepared by some lowly footslogger.
And then Management just immediately shredded the risk assessment and mitigation steps. Because they had their idea and timeframe they wanted it done in. And damn little things like reality getting in the way.
So many problems ultimately seem like they stem from upper and middle managers ignoring reports they don’t like from people actually in the proverbial trenches. So the kiss asses get promoted and things only get worse. As it becomes a self-perpetuating loop. Until the things finally fall apart. And then the managers blame and sack the grunts who tried to warn them.
I feel like they got a risk assessment, and steps to mitigate risks, along with the proposed plan for Dam removal. Painstakingly prepared by some lowly footslogger.
And then Management just immediately shredded the risk assessment and mitigation steps. Because they had their idea and timeframe they wanted it done in. And damn little things like reality getting in the way.
So many problems ultimately seem like they stem from upper and middle managers ignoring reports they don’t like from people actually in the proverbial trenches. So the kiss asses get promoted and things only get worse. As it becomes a self-perpetuating loop. Until the things finally fall apart. And then the managers blame and sack the lowly footsloggers. While getting their multi-million dollar golden parachutes.