As far as I’m on board with DEW weapons (because it’s even official on the .gov websites) - I can’t believe the space weapons was precise and strong enough to take down such a massive buildings in a way that it happened.
It was in fact such an obvious controlled demolition that anyone who claims otherwise at this point need to start worrying about their own thinking process.
As far as I’m on board with DEW weapons (because it’s even official on the .gov websites) - I can’t believe the space weapons was precise and strong enough to take down such a massive buildings.
It was in fact such an obvious controlled demolition that anyone who claims otherwise at this point need to start by proving that they’re NOT mentally ill and incapacitated (watching brain wash media and not thinking on their own).
As far as I’m on board with DEW weapons (because it’s even official on the .gov websites) - I can’t believe the space weapons was precise and strong enough to take down such a massive buildings.
It was in fact such an obvious controlled demolition that anyone who claims otherwise at this point need to start by proving that they’re NOT mentally ill and incapacitated (watching brain wash media).
As far as I’m on board with DEW weapons (because it’s even official on the .gov websites) - I can’t believe the space weapons was precise as strong enough to take down such a massive buildings.
It was in fact such an obvious controlled demolition that anyone who claims otherwise need to start by proving that they’re NOT mentally ill and incapacitated (watching brain wash media).