This is a YUUUUUUGE deal!
RNC controls the Republican Party.
Michael Whatley (a Trump supporter) and ... LAURA TRUMP ... have been elected as co-chairs of the RNC (replacing Mitt Romney's niece).
This means RINO's have ... LOST POWER.
They will be pushing a third-party candidate, because they no longer have control of the GOP.
This is a YUUUUUUGE deal!
RNC controls the Republican Party.
Michael Watley (a Trump supporter) and ... LAURA TRUMP ... have been elected as co-chairs of the RNC (replacing Mitt Romney's niece).
This means RINO's have ... LOST POWER.
They will be pushing a third-party candidate, because they no longer have control of the GOP.
This is a YUUUUUUGE deal!
RNC controls the Republican Party.
Michael Watley (a Trump supporter) and ... LAURA TRUMP ... have been elected as co-chairs to the GOP.
This means RINO's have ... LOST POWER.
They will be pushing a third-party candidate, because they no longer have control of the GOP.
This is a YUUUUUUGE deal!
RNC controls the Republican Party.
This means RINO's have ... LOST POWER.
They will be pushing a third-party candidate, because they no longer have control of the GOP.